Randy Hall


Randy Hall he/him

Associate Teaching Professor





Liberal Arts 378





Basic economic analysis of pollution control. A growing concern of policy-makers is how to achieve both economic growth and a cleaner environment. We will examine issues such as how the EPA sets ambient air quality standards and how we can achieve those standards in a cost-effective way.

Internship completed for credit at an off-campus private, public or not-for profit organization with a focus on economics, healthcare administration, business, government, law, or public policy. Students are responsible for securing their own placements, and all placements must be approved in advance by the instructor. Students are required to keep an internship journal, write a final paper based on the experience, and complete all other course assignments in addition to their work hours.

Examination of international trade theory and policy. The course develops the theoretical framework for analyzing the potential gains from, direction of, and distributional effects of international trade as well as the potential impacts of tariffs and other policies affecting trade. Among other topics, the course will examine free trade versus protectionism, governmental promotion of competitiveness and the growing importance of trading blocs.


Online and Continuing Education Courses

Internship completed for credit at an off-campus private, public or not-for profit organization with a focus on economics, healthcare administration, business, government, law, or public policy. Students are responsible for securing their own placements, and all placements must be approved in advance by the instructor. Students are required to keep an internship journal, write a final paper based on the experience, and complete all other course assignments in addition to their work hours.
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