Pingguo He, PhD
Professor / Chairperson
SMAST / Fisheries Oceanography
School for Marine Science & Technology East, New Bedford 127
1987 | University of Aberdeen Scotland | PhD |
1982 | Zhejiang Ocean University | BEng |
- Fish Behavior and Conservation Engineering
- Conservation in World Marine Capture Fisheries
- Intercampus Marine Science Programs MS, PhD
- Marine Science and Technology MS
- Marine Science and Technology PhD
- University of São Paulo Dual PhD PhD
Thesis research on an experimental or theoretical project in Marine Science or Technology under a faculty advisor.
Thesis research on an experimental or theoretical project in Marine Science or Technology under a faculty advisor.
Research for and preparation of doctoral dissertation proposal. The dissertation proposal must provide a thorough survey of the research activities in the research topic area and it must present original and innovative research ideas and preliminary results as well as a defined research scope and directions. PhD students must have passed this course before registering for doctoral dissertation research credits. Graded P/F.
Conservation challenges in world marine capture fisheries. This course reviews and discusses conservation challenges and mitigation measures related to management and sustainable utilization of world¿s fisheries resources. The course will be taught with global and local perspectives, and will include the following topics: history of world marine capture fisheries, status of and landing from world marine fisheries, bycatch, discard and fishing-related mortality, ecosystem effect of fishing including plastic pollution from fisheries and ghostfishing of lost gears, effect on the seabed, bycatch and mortality of marine mammals, seabirds, sea turtles and other charismatic species, fuel consumption in capture fisheries
Research activities
- Reducing bycatch and discards in New England Multispecies trawl fishery
- Reducing bycatch in scallop fishery
- Improving utilization of healthy fish stocks
Research awards
- $ 481,850 awarded by NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMIN for Assessing Cumulative Impact of Offshore Wind Energy Development on Sea Scallop Laval Transport and Settlement in Southern New England Waters (RSA)
- $ 358,666 awarded by Revolution Wind, LLC for Pre-construction: Trawl Fisheries Monitoring Services for the REV01 Wind Farm
- $ 358,666 awarded by Sunrise Wind, LLC for Pre-Construction: Trawl Fisheries Monitoring Services for the SRW01 Wind Farm
- $ 1,213,246 awarded by Vineyard Offshore for VW: 501N 2023
- $ 396,311 awarded by Bureau of Ocean Energy Management for Exploring the Connectivity Among Offshore Wind Turbines
Research interests
- Sustainable fisheries
- Fish behavior near fishing gear
- Environmentally friendly fishing gear design
- Evaluating and reducing fishing impact
Select publications
- He, P. (2010).
Behavior of Marine Fishes: Capture Process and Conservation Challenges
Willey-Blackwell - O’Connell, C. P., S.Y. Hyun, S.H. Gruber, and P. He (2015).
Effects of barium-ferrite permanent magnets on great hammerhead shark Sphyrna mokarran behavior and implications for future conservation technologies
Endangered Species Research, 26, 243-256. - He, P., C. Rillahan and V. Balzano (2015).
Reduced Herding of Flounders by Floating Bridles: Application in Gulf of Maine Northern Shrimp Trawls to Reduce Bycatch
ICES Journal of Marine Sciences, 72, 1514-1524.
Additional links
Latest from Pingguo
Mentioned in
- Dec 20, 2023 Collaborative science, offshore wind, and the future of fisheries
- Dec 18, 2023 How UMassD’s Craig O’Connell, PhD ’14 became the Shark Doctor
- May 30, 2021 Fisheries Oceanography professors receive $1M to assess fisheries and ecosystem impact of the soon-to-be-built wind farms offshore of Southern New England