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Paul Bacdayan


Paul Bacdayan, PhD

Associate Professor

Management & Marketing




Charlton College of Business 201


1997University of MichiganPhD
1989Dartmouth College MBA
1982Yale UniversityBA


  • Managerial communications
  • Management of diversity
  • Leadership and supervision
  • Organizational behavior



An introduction to the basic principles of enterprise management. Students will be introduced to the various functions of management including planning, organizing, directing and controlling.

An introduction to the basic principles of enterprise management. Students will be introduced to the various functions of management including planning, organizing, directing and controlling.

An application of management and marketing concepts to career planning and job hunting. Student assignments will build up a career portfolio that includes completed self-assessments, networking and informational interviews, lead generation, practice interviews, job fair preparation, company research, resumes, and cover letters. Recommended for those seeking an internship or job in the following semester.

An application of management and marketing concepts to career planning and job hunting. Student assignments will build up a career portfolio that includes completed self-assessments, networking and informational interviews, lead generation, practice interviews, job fair preparation, company research, resumes, and cover letters. Recommended for those seeking an internship or job in the following semester.


Research interests

  • Leadership of total quality management initiatives
  • Leadership succession in volunteer organizations
  • Effective teaching
  • Development of knowledge structures

Dr. Bacdayan has twice won CCB's Thomas J. Higginson Award for Excellence in Teaching.

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