Michael Sheriff, PhD
Associate Professor
Research site
2010 | University of British Columbia | PhD |
- Ecology and Evolution
- Biology of Mammals
- Field Techniques in Ecology
In-depth study of a specific area in biology, leading to independent research addressing a biological question. Research results will be presented in a professional-style poster at a research symposium. Attendance at biology department seminars is also required.
Investigations of a fundamental and/or applied nature culminating in an original contribution to the scholarly research literature of Integrative Biology. Doctoral research contributes to the student's dissertation and should be presented at major conferences and ultimately published in refereed journals. A written dissertation must be completed and defended in accordance with the rules of the Graduate School and the Integrative Biology PhD Program.
Investigations of a fundamental and/or applied nature culminating in an original contribution to the scholarly research literature of Integrative Biology. Doctoral research contributes to the student's dissertation and should be presented at major conferences and ultimately published in refereed journals. A written dissertation must be completed and defended in accordance with the rules of the Graduate School and the Integrative Biology PhD Program.
Research awards
- $ 29,130 awarded by Wild Animal Initiative, INC for Developing a Consensus Profile of Wild Animal Welfare: Integrating Non-invasive Monitoring of the Gut Microbiome and Stress Physiology
- $ 18,200 awarded by Texas A&M - Kingsville for Determination of Fecal Try-iodothyronine and Cortisol As Physiological Proxies of Animal Welfare
- $ 60,000 awarded by Wild Animal Initiative, Inc. for The Impact of Road Noise on the Welfare of Free-Living Juvenile White-Footed Mice
Research interests
- Prey Responses to the Risk of Predation
- Organismal Responses to Environmental Stressors
- Transgenerational Plasticity/Maternal Stress Effects