
Melissa Leaym-Fernandez

Assistant Teaching Professor




College of Visual & Performing Arts CVPA



Experimental uses of materials and methods and their didactic implications. This course seeks to develop skills in designing curricula for varied age groups which focus on the expressive range of each media. Students will meet for studio-based sessions to explore alternative media and techniques and pursue ideas to create art objects and design lessons and units with which these same ideas may be taught to others. In accordance with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, students seeking teaching certification in either PK-9 or 5-12 will have readings and field practicum specifically for the intended age range. Students aiming for careers other than teaching will do readings and a field practicum appropriate to those career goals.

Analysis of developmental theory as applied to developing and applying measure of student learning. Students explore interrelationship of developmental stages, outcomes-based learning objectives and visual arts assessments. Required: 15 pre-practicum FBE hours outside of class.

Relationships between art education philosophical approaches and historical practices within social contexts. Prominent art education scholarship provides a philosophical framework for analysis of theories and current trends in teaching art. Comparative historical and contemporary interpretations are explored through literature review and presentation of historical timeline. Required: 15 pre-practicum FBE hours outside of class

Practicum experience preparation. This non-credit course is designed to assist students in preparation for the student teaching or non-licensure capstone. This course.covers CVPA education programs (in art and music education) requirements for licensure and degree conferral. Preparation of professional materials such as teaching portfolios, website creation and organization, resumes, and cover letters will be included. An overview ofthe CAP will be presented for licensure candidates and all students will complete the self-evaluation and goal.

Development of curriculum units in the visual arts applicable to educational settings in public schools as well as other selected institutions. From a basis in understanding the broad goals of art education, students plan appropriate learning experiences. Curricula will be designed based upon traditional concepts and principles of art in a context of human development, physical and social environment, and aesthetics. Students learn to define overarching concepts, developing lessons that are standards-based and content specific. Students work both independently and collaboratively to construct a conceptually based curriculum using the "backward design" model in which assessment criteria guides the development of learning activities. In accordance with the recommendations of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, students seeking teaching certification in either PreK-8 or 5-12 will have readings and field practicum specifically for the intended age range. Fifteen practicum hours required outside of class.

In this practicum experience, teaching licensure candidates are assigned to a school where they work with and are supported by a Supervising Practitioner. Under supervision of an assigned university instructor (Program Supervisor), the student conducts art experiences under actual classroom conditions including teaching and classroom management responsibilities. This practicum is a fifteen-week, full-time classroom experience at the elementary level PreK-8. A weekly seminar at the University provides opportunity for the student teacher to share insights and concerns. Students seeking careers other than teaching take this course but are placed in a non-school setting and do not qualify for state licensure.

In this practicum experience, teaching licensure candidates are assigned to a school where they work with and are supported by a Supervising Practitioner. Under supervision of an assigned university instructor (Program Supervisor), the student conducts art experiences under actual classroom conditions including teaching and classroom management responsibilities. This practicum is a fifteen-week, full-time classroom experience at the elementary level PreK-8. A weekly seminar at the University provides opportunity for the student teacher to share insights and concerns. Students seeking careers other than teaching take this course but are placed in a non-school setting and do not qualify for state licensure.

In this practicum experience, teaching licensure candidates are assigned to a school where they work with and are supported by a Supervising Practitioner. Under supervision of an assigned university instructor (Program Supervisor), the student conducts art experiences under actual classroom conditions including teaching and classroom management responsibilities. This practicum is a fifteen-week, full-time classroom experience at the secondary level 5-12. A weekly seminar at the University provides opportunity for the student teacher to share insights and concerns. Students seeking careers other than teaching take this course but are placed in a non-school setting and do not qualify for state licensure.

In this practicum experience, teaching licensure candidates are assigned to a school where they work with and are supported by a Supervising Practitioner. Under supervision of an assigned university instructor (Program Supervisor), the student conducts art experiences under actual classroom conditions including teaching and classroom management responsibilities. This practicum is a fifteen-week, full-time classroom experience at the secondary level 5-12. A weekly seminar at the University provides opportunity for the student teacher to share insights and concerns. Students seeking careers other than teaching take this course but are placed in a non-school setting and do not qualify for state licensure.

Non-licensure internship capstone. In this capstone experience, education majors are assigned to an arts agency where they work with and are supported by a supervisor. Under supervision of an assigned university instructor the student conducts art experiences under actual conditions that include various arts management responsibilities. This practicum is a 150 hour (approximately 10 hours per week) part-time experience. AED faculty supervise the internship. This course is an alternative capstone in a non-school setting and does not fulfill the practicum requirement for state licensure.


Online and Continuing Education Courses

Relationships between art education philosophical approaches and historical practices within social contexts. Prominent art education scholarship provides a philosophical framework for analysis of theories and current trends in teaching art. Comparative historical and contemporary interpretations are explored through literature review and presentation of historical timeline. Required: 15 pre-practicum FBE hours outside of class

Current special education issues as applicable to pre-service art education. State and national legislation and the resultant mandated specific accommodation and lesson modification strategies considering needs of differently abled learners and social-emotional growth are discussed as related to -8 and 5-12 students. May include attendance and leadership in AED 415. Fifteen required classroom observation hours are an integral course component.

Development of curriculum units in the visual arts applicable to educational settings in public schools as well as other selected institutions. From a basis in understanding the broad goals of art education, students plan appropriate learning experiences. Curricula will be designed based upon traditional concepts and principles of art in a context of human development, physical and social environment, and aesthetics. Students learn to define overarching concepts, developing lessons that are standards-based and content specific. Students work both independently and collaboratively to construct a conceptually based curriculum using the "backward design" model in which assessment criteria guides the development of learning activities. In accordance with the recommendations of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, students seeking teaching certification in either PreK-8 or 5-12 will have readings and field practicum specifically for the intended age range. Fifteen practicum hours required outside of class.
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