Kenneth Oliveira


Kenneth Oliveira, PhD







Violette Research 106


1994University of Rhode IslandPhD in Biology
1989University of Massachusetts DartmouthMS in Biology
1986University of Massachusetts DartmouthBS in Biology


  • Advanced Ichthyology
  • General Ecology Laboratory
  • Biology of Fishes
  • Biology of Organisms Laboratory
  • General Biology





Field trips and extensive laboratory work are emphasized in this course. The life histories, ecology and classification of the fishes of the coastal and inland waters of the northeastern states are studied in detail.

Field trips and extensive laboratory work are emphasized in this course. The life histories, ecology and classification of the fishes of the coastal and inland waters of the northeastern states are studied in detail.

Field trips and extensive laboratory work are emphasized in this course. The life histories, ecology and classification of the fishes of the coastal and inland waters of the northeastern states are studied in detail.

Field trips and extensive laboratory work are emphasized in this course. The life histories, ecology and classification of the fishes of the coastal and inland waters of the northeastern states are studied in detail.

Study under the supervision of a faculty member in an area covered in a regular course not currently being offered. Terms and hours to be arranged.

Terms and hours to be arranged. Graded A-F.

Terms and hours to be arranged. Graded A-F.


Research activities

  • Examinations of the distribution and physiological effects of the recently introduced swimbladder parasite on eels
  • Changes in the digestive system during the adult metamorphosis of eels
  • Sex determination of eels
  • Effects of contaminants on gametogenesis
  • Development of artificial fertilization methods


Research interests

  • Biology of fishes with an emphasis on the biology of American eels
  • Life history strategies
  • Age and growth of fishes

Select publications

  • J. Byer, M. Alaee, R. Brown, M. Lebeuf, S. Backus, M. Keir, G. Pacepavicius, J. Casselman. C. Belpaire, K. Oliveira, G. Verreault, and P. Hodson (2013).
    Spatial trends of dioxin-like compounds in Atlantic anguillid eels
    Chemosphere, 91(10), 1439-1446.
  • W.J. Duffy, R.S. McBride, M. L. Hendricks and K. Oliveira (2012).
    Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
    Otolith age validation and growth estimation from oxytetracycline-marked and recaptured American shad Alosa sapidissima, 141:6, 1664-1671.
  • W.J. Duffy, R.S. McBride, S.X. Cadrin, and K. Oliveira (2011).
    Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
    Is Cating's method of transverse groove counts to annuli applicable for all stocks of American shad?, 140(4), 1023-1034.