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Jefferson Turner


Jefferson Turner, PhD

Chancellor Professor


Chancellor Professor

SMAST / Fisheries Oceanography




Violette Research 202




School for Marine Science & Technology West, New Bedford 212A


1977Texas A & M UniversityPhD in Biology
1974University of South FloridaMA in Biology
1969Guilford CollegeBS in Biology


  • Ocean Environment
  • Descriptive Oceanography
  • Biogeography
  • Biological Oceanography



The cycle of productivity in the marine environment and the physiological and morphological adaptations of plant, animal and bacterial populations within various oceanic regions. Interrelationships of the plankton, the nekton, and the benthos are stressed.

The cycle of productivity in the marine environment and the physiological and morphological adaptations of plant, animal and bacterial populations within various oceanic regions. Interrelationships of the plankton, the nekton, and the benthos are stressed.

Terms and hours to be arranged. Graded A-F.

The cycle of productivity in the marine environment and the physiological and morphological adaptations of plant, animal and bacterial populations within various oceanic regions. Interrelationships of the plankton, the nekton, and the benthos are stressed.

The cycle of productivity in the marine environment and the physiological and morphological adaptations of plant, animal and bacterial populations within various oceanic regions. Interrelationships of the plankton, the nekton, and the benthos are stressed.

Thesis research on an experimental or theoretical project in Marine Science or Technology under a faculty advisor.


Research activities

  • Biological and Physical Controls of Toxic Alexandrium Blooms in Shallow Estuarine Systems
  • Harbor Outfall Monitoring 9 (HOM 9) zooplankton monitoring in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts Bay and Cape Cod Bay
  • Long-term plankton and water-quality ecological survey of Buzzards Bay

Research awards

  • $ 94,586 awarded by Battelle Memorial Institute for Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Services 2024-2027
  • $ 80,942 awarded by Battelle Memorial Institute for Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Services (2020-2023)

Research interests

  • Marine plankton
  • Zooplankton feeding
  • Plankton communities of Boston Harbor and adjacent waters
  • Food web accumulation and transport of red tide toxins
  • Interactions between copepod feeding and reproductive success

Select publications

  • Turner, Jefferson T (2015).
    Zooplankton fecal pellets, marine snow, phytodetritus and the ocean’s biological pump
    Progress in Oceanography, 130, 205-248.
  • Turner, J. T. (2014).
    Planktonic marine copepods and harmful algae
    Harmful Algae, 32, 81-93.
  • Anderson, D. M., D. J. McGillicuddy, S. L. DeGrasse, K. G. Sellner, V. M. Bricelj, J. T. Turner, D. W. Townsend, & J. L. Kleindinst (Guest Editors) (2014).
    Harmful Algae in the Gulf of Maine: Oceanography, Population Dynamics, and Toxin Transfer in the Food Web
    Deep-Sea Research II, 103, 1-375.

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