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James Bisgani


James Bisagni, PhD

Professor Emeritus

SMAST / Estuarine & Ocean Sciences




School for Marine Science & Technology East, New Bedford 224


1991University of Rhode Island Graduate School of OceanographyPhD in Oceanography
1976University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography MS in Oceanography
1972State University of New York at Stony BrookBS Geology & Mathematics




Research activities

  • 2007-2008, Climate-Related Interannual Variability of Potential New Production, (PI), NASA Center for Computational Sciences, Award of 750,000 Processor hours using the NASA/NCCS supercomputers “Columbia” and “Palm,” $0
  • 2008-2011, Collaborative Research: GLOBEC Pan-Regional Synthesis: End-to-End Energy Budgets in USGLOBEC Regions (PI), NSF, $155,185.
  • 2008-2010, Collaborative Research: GLOBEC Pan-Regional Synthesis: The Effect of Varying Freshwater Inputs on Regional Ecosystems in the North Atlantic (Co-PI; A. Gangopadhyay, PI), NSF, $259,556.

Research interests

  • Remote sensing of sea surface temperature and ocean pigments
  • Remote sensing of dynamic ocean topography and surface waves
  • Biological oceanographic applications of remotely-sensed data
  • Dynamics/kinematics of coastal fronts
  • Air sea interaction

Select publications

  • Chaudhuri, Ayan H., Avijit Gangopadhyay, and James J. Bisagni (2011).
    Contrasting response of the eastern and western North Atlantic circulation to an episodic climate event
    Journal of Physical Oceanography, 41, 1630-1638.
  • Bisagni, J. J., H-S. Kim, and A. Chaudhuri (2009).
    Interannual variability of the shelf slope front position between 75° and 50° W
    Journal of Marine Systems, 78(3), 337-350.
  • Chaudhuri, A.H., A. Gangopadhyay, and J.J. Bisagni (2009).
    Interannual variability of Gulf Stream warm core rings in response to the North Atlantic Oscillation
    Continental Shelf Research, 29(7), 856-869.

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