Elizabeth Hart


Elizabeth Hart she/her/hers

Associate Teaching Professor

Medical Laboratory Science

Curriculum Vitae




Dion 324C



The emerging concepts of immunobiology. Topics will include immunogens, immunoglobulins, autoimmunity, infection and immunity, immunohematology, and tumor biology. Enrollment requires a minimum grade of C- in all MLS courses.

Laboratory correlated with MLS 325. Enrollment requires a minimum grade of C- in all MLS courses.

Laboratory correlated with MLS 325. Enrollment requires a minimum grade of C- in all MLS courses.

The principles of blood banking, including the preparation and storage of blood and its components, donor evaluation, transfusion, required record keeping, and processing of frozen blood. Clinical correlation, quality control and laboratory safety will be included. Enrollment requires a minimum grade of C- in all MLS courses.

The principles of blood banking, including the preparation and storage of blood and its components, donor evaluation, transfusion, required record keeping, and processing of frozen blood. Clinical correlation, quality control and laboratory safety will be included. Enrollment requires a minimum grade of C- in all MLS courses.


Online and Continuing Education Courses

An intensive survey of genetic mechanisms emphasizing the effect on human inheritance and disease. Enrollment requires a minimum grade of C- in all MLS courses.