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David Brown


David Brown, PhD


Electrical & Computer Engineering




Science & Engineering 214F


1991Naval Postgraduate SchoolPhD in Engineering Acoustics
1988Naval Postgraduate SchoolMS in Engineering Acoustics
1985University of Rhode IslandBS in Electrical Engineering




Principles of oscillations, radiation, and propagation of waves in acoustics and elctromagnetics for bounded and unbounded media. Introduction to the derivation of the wave equation from Maxwell's equations in electromagnetics and vibration theory in acoustics and the application of the wave equation to wave propagation in SONAR and RADAR environments. Examples include acoustic and electromagnetic propagation in air and ocean environments, waveguides and optical fibers, transducers and antennas, radiation and reception of signals, dispersion, phase and group velocity, attenuation, reflection, refraction, and scattering.

Topics of timely interest in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Course content may change from year to year according to instructor's preferences.

Investigations of a fundamental and/or applied nature, intended to develop design techniques,research techniques, initiative, and independent inquiry. A written thesis must be completed in accordance with the rules of the Graduate School and the College of Engineering. Completion of the course requires a successful oral defense open to the public and a written thesis approved by the student's thesis committee unanimously and the ECE Graduate Program Director. Admission to the course is based on a formal thesis proposal endorsed by the student's graduate committee and submitted to the ECE Graduate Program Director.

Investigations of a fundamental and/or applied nature, intended to develop design techniques,research techniques, initiative, and independent inquiry. A written thesis must be completed in accordance with the rules of the Graduate School and the College of Engineering. Completion of the course requires a successful oral defense open to the public and a written thesis approved by the student's thesis committee unanimously and the ECE Graduate Program Director. Admission to the course is based on a formal thesis proposal endorsed by the student's graduate committee and submitted to the ECE Graduate Program Director.

Investigations of a fundamental and/or applied nature, intended to develop design techniques,research techniques, initiative, and independent inquiry. A written thesis must be completed in accordance with the rules of the Graduate School and the College of Engineering. Completion of the course requires a successful oral defense open to the public and a written thesis approved by the student's thesis committee unanimously and the ECE Graduate Program Director. Admission to the course is based on a formal thesis proposal endorsed by the student's graduate committee and submitted to the ECE Graduate Program Director.

Investigations of a fundamental and/or applied nature, intended to develop design techniques,research techniques, initiative, and independent inquiry. A written thesis must be completed in accordance with the rules of the Graduate School and the College of Engineering. Completion of the course requires a successful oral defense open to the public and a written thesis approved by the student's thesis committee unanimously and the ECE Graduate Program Director. Admission to the course is based on a formal thesis proposal endorsed by the student's graduate committee and submitted to the ECE Graduate Program Director.

Satisfies the Research Skills component of the ELE PhD qualifier. Student is evaluated by at least 3 faculty based on an oral presentation and defense of a small research project. Course is graded pass/fail.

Research for and preparation of doctoral dissertation proposal. The dissertation proposal must provide a thorough survey of the research activities in the research topic area and it must present original and innovative research ideas and preliminary results as well as a defined research scope and directions. PhD students must have passed this course before registering for doctoral dissertation research credits. This course may also be applied toward MS thesis or project credit if PhD student leaves prior to completing their dissertation. In all cases, required deliverables are an oral defense and a written document approved by the student's committee.Graded P/F.

Research for and preparation of doctoral dissertation proposal. The dissertation proposal must provide a thorough survey of the research activities in the research topic area and it must present original and innovative research ideas and preliminary results as well as a defined research scope and directions. PhD students must have passed this course before registering for doctoral dissertation research credits. This course may also be applied toward MS thesis or project credit if PhD student leaves prior to completing their dissertation. In all cases, required deliverables are an oral defense and a written document approved by the student's committee.Graded P/F.

For PhD students who plan to take the PhD Comprehensive exam within the next 3 months. Up to 6 credits may be applied to either doctoral dissertation or MS thesis (should student not pass Comprehensive exam). Graded P/F.


Research awards

  • $ 366,436 awarded by Office of Naval Research for UMassD MUST I: Acoustic Radiation and Directional Patterns (ARDP) of Sensors and Sources

Research interests

  • Transducer modeling
  • Training of undergraduate and graduate students in engineering acoustics

David A. Brown, Professor, Dept. Electrical & Comp. Engineering and Adjunct in Physics and Mechanical Engineering at UMass Dartmouth. Prof. Brown obtained his MS and PhD in 1989/91 from the US Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) in Engineering Acoustics in Depts. of Physics and Electrical Engineering while working on optical fiber interferometric detection of underwater sound. He has more than three-decades of experience in the areas of Optical and Electrical Acoustics including transducer modeling and calibration of underwater sensors and sources. He has more than 200 papers, conference presentations and reports. He has taught specialized courses in fundamentals of acoustics, vibration and sound, underwater acoustics, electroacoustics, nonlinear acoustics, electromagnetics, fiber optics, and medical ultrasonic as faculty at UMass Dartmouth, Brown University, NUWC and the Naval Postgraduate School. Prof. Brown’s main interest is in preparing future scientists and engineers for the field of Acoustic Transduction, which has been identified as a Critical DoD Technology area by the Department of Commerce and DoD. He previously had ten years of experience working as an Acoustical Scientist/Engineer for Navy DoD (NPS and NUWC) as an expert in underwater acoustic transduction so is very aware of practical navy research and operational needs. He has secured funding >$4M which includes support for undergraduate and graduate MS/PhD students in navy related optics and acoustic problems. Dr. Brown was also involved in the founding, development and instrumentation of the university’s unique underwater acoustics/optics test facility (UWTF) and the creation of the ATMC/CIE Center for Advanced Technology and Manufacturing, now Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Dr. Brown was elected Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) in 2013 in recognition for contributions to fiber-optic and piezoelectric transduction science, and leadership in acoustics education, and was a past Associate Editor for Acoustic Transduction, Acoustical Measurements, Instrumentation, and Applied Acoustics. He is a member of the three Technical Specialization Committees on Physical Acoustics, Engineering Acoustics, and Education in Acoustics for the ASA. He is also the President of the regional chapter of the ASA, the Southern New England (Narragansett) Chapter of the ASA society.

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