Cait Lanza
Part Time Lecturer
Art & Design
College of Visual & Performing Arts 313
Introduction to how culture and behavior influence the perception of the interior environment. Human factors theories such as anthropometrics and ergonomics are introduced and applied. Participants determine program requirements and develop concepts and solutions to residential design problems. Students apply CAD skills from IAD 107 to create a set of working drawings for studio projects.
Introduction to how culture and behavior influence the perception of the interior environment. Human factors theories such as anthropometrics and ergonomics are introduced and applied. Participants determine program requirements and develop concepts and solutions to residential design problems. Students apply CAD skills from IAD 107 to create a set of working drawings for studio projects.
Concentrating on institutional design projects, presents large scale design problems with challenging code and functional issues to be treated creatively and competently. Emphasis is placed on maintenance, equipment requirements, budgetary considerations, code concerns and human factors as they relate to the physical, psychological and emotional responses people have to the spaces they use.