Banafsheh Seyedaghazadeh, PhD
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering
2015 | University of Massachusetts Amherst | PhD |
2011 | University of Tabriz, Iran | MS |
2007 | University of Tabriz, Iran | BS |
- Fluid Mechanics, MNE 332
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Energy
- Engineering and Applied Science PhD
- Mechanical Engineering BS, BS/MS
- Mechanical Engineering MS
Research investigations of a fundamental and/or applied nature defining a topic area and preliminary results for the dissertation proposal undertaken before the student has qualified for EAS 701. With approval of the student's graduate committee, up to 15 credits of EAS 601 may be applied to the 30 credit requirement for dissertation research.
Investigations of a fundamental and/or applied nature representing an original contribution to the scholarly research literature of the field. PhD dissertations are often published in refereed journals or presented at major conferences. A written dissertation must be completed in accordance with the rules of the Graduate School and the College of Engineering. Admission to the course is based on successful completion of the PhD comprehensive examination and submission of a formal proposal endorsed by the student's graduate committee and submitted to the EAS Graduate Program Director.
Investigations of a fundamental and/or applied nature representing an original contribution to the scholarly research literature of the field. PhD dissertations are often published in refereed journals or presented at major conferences. A written dissertation must be completed in accordance with the rules of the Graduate School and the College of Engineering. Admission to the course is based on successful completion of the PhD comprehensive examination and submission of a formal proposal endorsed by the student's graduate committee and submitted to the EAS Graduate Program Director.
Basic conservation equations in integral and differential forms. Eulerian and Lagrangian description of mass, momentum, and energy. Elements of potential flow. Analysis is primarily limited to inviscid and viscous incompressible fluids with applications to external and internal flows. Discussion of similarity and scaling. Both experimental and CFD laboratories and CFD project are integrated with the course.
Basic conservation equations in integral and differential forms. Eulerian and Lagrangian description of mass, momentum, and energy. Elements of potential flow. Analysis is primarily limited to inviscid and viscous incompressible fluids with applications to external and internal flows. Discussion of similarity and scaling. Both experimental and CFD laboratories and CFD project are integrated with the course.
Basic conservation equations in integral and differential forms. Eulerian and Lagrangian description of mass, momentum, and energy. Elements of potential flow. Analysis is primarily limited to inviscid and viscous incompressible fluids with applications to external and internal flows. Discussion of similarity and scaling. Both experimental and CFD laboratories and CFD project are integrated with the course.
Basic conservation equations in integral and differential forms. Eulerian and Lagrangian description of mass, momentum, and energy. Elements of potential flow. Analysis is primarily limited to inviscid and viscous incompressible fluids with applications to external and internal flows. Discussion of similarity and scaling. Both experimental and CFD laboratories and CFD project are integrated with the course.
Basic conservation equations in integral and differential forms. Eulerian and Lagrangian description of mass, momentum, and energy. Elements of potential flow. Analysis is primarily limited to inviscid and viscous incompressible fluids with applications to external and internal flows. Discussion of similarity and scaling. Both experimental and CFD laboratories and CFD project are integrated with the course.
The principles of horizontal and vertical axes turbines. Students learn how to model and design rotors using the concepts of lift and drag coefficients for optimal turbine performance. The course culminates with a survey of various wind turbine systems based on the type of generators employed with gearboxes or direct drives. Usage of Matlab is moderate.
Thesis research on an experimental or theoretical project in mechanical engineering under a faculty advisor. A formal thesis must be submitted to fulfill the course requirements.
Research awards
- $ 508,936 awarded by The Office of Naval Research for Fluid-Structure Interactions in Highly Flexible Wings
- $ 506,972 awarded by National Science Foundation for CAREER: Fluid-Structure-Surface Interactions of Flexible Bodies at the Air-Water
- $ 19,976 awarded by National Renewable Energy Lab - U.S. Department Of Energy for 2021 Marine Energy Collegiate Competition: Fluid-Structure Interactions Study Of A Dual Turbine Platform Housing Vertical Axis Wind And Current Turbines
- $ 475,715 awarded by Office of Naval Research for UMassD MUST I: Development of a Biomimetic Sensor with Augmented Sensitivity for Ocean Sensing Applications
Research interests
- Fluid-Structure Interactions
- Flow-Induced Vibration
- Experimental Fluid Dynamics
- Vibrations
- Renewable Energy
Select publications
- B. Seyed-Aghazadeh, H. Samandari, and R. Abrisham Baf (2020).
On the Dynamic Response of Flow-Induced Vibration of Nonlinear Structures
Nonlinear Structures and Systems, 1, 91-94. - B. Seyed-Aghazadeh, Y. Modarres-Sadeghi (2019).
The Effect of Boundary Conditions on Vortex-Induced Vibration of a Fully Submerged Flexible Cylinder
Experiments in Fluids, 60, 38. - B. Benner, B. Seyed-Aghazadeh, D. Carlson, Y. Modarres-Sadeghi (2019).
Vortex-Induced Vibration of an Airfoil Used in Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines at Various Angles of Attack
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Dr. Banafsheh Seyed-Aghazadeh is an assistant professor at the Mechanical Engineering department and the director of “Laboratory for Fluid-Structure Interactions Studies (FSI Lab)” at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. Before joining UMassD, was the James R. Myers Endowed assistant professor at Miami University. Dr. Banafsheh Seyed-Aghazadeh is a proud UMass Alumna. She received her PhD from University of Massachusetts Amherst; her master’s and bachelor’s degrees from University of Tabriz, Iran, in Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Banafsheh Seyed-Aghazadeh research focuses on Fluid-Structure Interactions (FSI), which combines fluid dynamics research with ideas on advanced nonlinear dynamics.
FSI has significant implications for a number of physical systems, from aeolian harps to power transmission lines, towing cables, undersea pipelines, drilling risers and mooring lines used to stabilize offshore floating platforms. At FSI lab, Dr. Banafsheh Seyed-Aghazadeh research group works on designing flow-induced vibration-based energy harvesters from external sources available in the environment, such as wind or marine currents. Her research group also works on investigating potentials of combining fundamentals of flow-induced vibration with machine learning algorithms, to lay the foundation for future research projects in the area of biomimetic fluidic sensor design with applications in ocean sensing. Such projects can directly advance the UMass Dartmouth’s role in building the blue economy through initiation of innovative and collaborative research projects at SouthCoast of Massachusetts.