Amit Tandon, PhD he/him
Commonwealth Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Commonwealth Professor
SMAST / Estuarine & Ocean Sciences
Exploring the Upper Ocean: Tandon Laboratory at UMass Dartmouth
School for Marine Science & Technology East, New Bedford 234
School for Marine Science & Technology East, New Bedford 234
1992 | Cornell University | PhD in Mechanical Engineering |
1990 | Cornell University | MS in Mechanical Engineering |
1987 | Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India | BTech in Mechanical Engineering |
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Energy
- Engineering and Applied Science PhD
- Intercampus Marine Science Programs MS, PhD
- Marine Science and Technology MS
- Marine Science and Technology PhD
- Mechanical Engineering BS, BS/MS
- Mechanical Engineering MS
- University of São Paulo Dual PhD PhD
Doctoral thesis proposal development based on technical writing process, data interpretation, experimental design. Students who successfully complete the course will be able to assess information from the primary scientific literature, formulate scientific questions (hypotheses), and generate an experimental plan to help validate or nullify their hypothesis. Students will demonstrate a command of oral and written communication skills by completing this course.
Investigations of a fundamental and/or applied nature representing an original contribution to the scholarly research literature of the field. PhD dissertations are often published in refereed journals or presented at major conferences. A written dissertation must be completed in accordance with the rules of the Graduate School and the School for Marine Science and Technology. Admission to the course is based on successful completion of the PhD comprehensive examination and submission of a formal proposal endorsed by the student's graduate committee and submitted to the SMAST Graduate Program Director.
Thesis research on an experimental or theoretical project in mechanical engineering under a faculty advisor. A formal thesis must be submitted to fulfill the course requirements.
Research activities
- 2018-2022: Collaborative research: Internal lee-wave dissipation in oceanic flows with mean shear, NSF, $173,686
- 2017-2021: Understanding the ocean-atmosphere coupling in the Northern Indian Ocean, ONR, $753,841
- 2016-2019: Competition between mixed-layer instabilities in shallow fronts at subtropical latitudes in the ocean, NSF, $223,297
Research awards
- $ 104,235 awarded by Office of Naval Research for REvisiting MIXed layer baroclinic instability for curved fronts (REMIX)
- $ 127,661 awarded by Office of Naval Research for The Arabian Sea ocean atmosphere Mixed Layers Exchange (ASMILE)
- $ 480,694 awarded by the National Science Foundation for INTeRnal waves In angular momeNtum StratifICation (INTRINSIC)
- $ 76,551 awarded by The National Science Foundation for Collaborative Research: Lee Waves and Sheared Mean Flow: Interactions and Impacts
- $ 1,336,152 awarded by Office of Naval Research for UMassD MUST III: Sub-Mesoscale and Mesoscale Interactions STudy (SubMIST)
Research interests
- Fluid dynamics and heat transfer of the ocean, and the engineering tools needed to study them
- Oceanic sub-mesoscale frontal gradients and mesoscale eddies, and their role in setting up the circulation and the air-sea interaction
- Theory, simulations, and observational analysis of sub-mesoscale features in the ocean
Select publications
See curriculum vitae for more publications
- Phadtare, J., Fernando, H. J., Black, G., McLaughlin, K., Dehart, J., Krishnamurthy, R.,Bhat, G. S., Shroyer, E., Tandon, A., Pérez Valentín, J. M., & Jinadasa, S. U. P. (2024).
Aircraft observations in a tropical supercluster over the equatorial Indian Ocean during MISO-BOB field campaign
Scientific Reports, 14, 2182. - Luko, C. D., Lazaneo, C. Z., Silveira, I. C. D., Pereira, F., & Tandon, A. (2023).
Topographically-generated submesoscale shear instabilities associated with Brazil Current meanders
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53, 1669-1689. - Simoes-Sousa, I. T., Tandon, A., Pereira, F., Lazaneo, C. Z., & Mahadevan, A. (2022).
Mixed layer eddies supply nutrients to enhance the spring phytoplankton bloom
Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 2097. - Wu, Y., Kunze, E., Tandon, A., & Mahadevan, A (2022).
Reabsorption of Lee-Wave Energy in Bottom-Intensified Currents
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53, 477-491. - Nagai, T., Hasegawa, D., Tsutsumi, E., Nakamura, H., Nishina, A., Senjyu, T., Endoh, T., Matsuno, T., Inoue, R., & Tandon, A (2021).
The Kuroshio flowing over seamounts and associated submesoscale flows drive 100-km-wide 100-1000-fold enhancement of turbulence
Nature: Communications Earth & Environment, 2, 170.
Professor Tandon uses his knowledge of Fluid Mechanics and Physical Oceanography to address myriad problems involving mixing processes in the upper ocean. The research methods include analytical and numerical modeling, motivated by ocean observations and observational analyses, to address the importance of mixing and mixed layer processes for ocean circulation and climate. Tandon has also supervised graduate students on basic experimental fluid mechanics projects. His research interests span from small- scale turbulence and oceanic mixed- layer processes, to sub-mesoscale frontal gradients and mesoscale eddies, and their role in setting up the large scale balances in the ocean. His work has been continuously funded by the National Science Foundation since 1996, and by the Office of Naval Research since 2008. Additionally, he has been a Fulbright awardee with Fulbright Specialist and Fulbright-Nehru senior scholar awards.
Tandon is the USA lead for ONR funded India-US Arabian Sea Boundary Layer program (ASTraL 2023-2027) collaborating with the international program EKAMSAT. Tandon was also a leading scientist for the ONR programs MISOBOB (2017-2021) and ASIRI (2013-2017) which explored in the influence of the Ocean circulation and mixing on South Asian Monsoons, and on Monsoon Intra-seasonal oscillations involving the coupling of ocean and atmospheric boundary layers in the Bay of Bengal with partnering programs in India funded by the Indian Ministry of Earth Sciences's Monsoon Mission . Tandon is also co-Chair of the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2, 2015-Current), Theme 4 on Circulation, climate variability and ecosystem response.