Exhibitions We are all Contagious: Robin Booth
Robin Booth

Inverness, IL

Living in the time of this historic Corona pandemic has been an opportunity as an artist to look beyond the frame into the psyche of our collective conscious. And, in this time of social distancing with only essential services open, the grocery store has become my lens into hearts and minds. My series was taken from my car during a Chicago downpour as I awaited for it to pass. But soon, I was captivated by what was revealed thru the watercolor of raindrops on my windshield. Much like our lives have been disrupted, these fragmented images somehow gave a clearer picture of our mutual interior landscapes. Through this seismic shift and sea of uncertainty, I see new hope emerging and inner resolve. We can get through this together, and in doing so, return to our best selves. Raised in Hawaii, Robin Booth's art draws upon her earliest memories in the natural environment, while creating a current sense of place. She studied fine art at the University of California. She resides in Chicago.

Artist's website

  1. This Empty, 2020, photography, 16" x 20"
  2. Born to Endure, 2020, photography, 20" x 16"