Exhibitions We are all Contagious: Patricia Brace & Milcah Bassel

Exhibitions We are all Contagious: Patricia Brace & Milcah Bassel
Patricia Brace & Milcah Bassel

Biddeford, ME & Jersey City, NJ

We, Milcah Bassel and Patricia Brace, have long been talking about a collaborative project but were constrained in pre-Covid times by busy studio and teaching schedules as well as geographic distance. Since early April, as we contend with the ongoing lockdown, we have been meeting weekly in a virtual setting. Sometimes our meetings are just an excuse to catch up, but personal struggles lean into media stories and soon crisscross with scientific imaging, senators selling stocks, historic plague masks, fashion, dreams, pangolins, and the possibility for new social horizons. In between sessions we exchange mashups of digital content, collaging pandemic data and imagery, crafting a new iconography. A collection of these images centered around the collective experiences of the COVID-19 era will culminate in The 6 Ft Zine before long.

Artist's website

Host, 3, 2020, digital collage 8.5" x 11"