Exhibitions We are all Contagious: Nikyra Capson
Nikyra Capson

Pocatello, ID

Social media has become an integrative component of everyday life. The younger generations have grown up in a world where aspects of various social media platforms have always exist. My artwork examines the effects social media is having on adolescents' mental health and the negative environments children can be exposed to online without parental knowledge. I am showing this dynamic by 'calling-out' those who leave negative comments on other people's social media posts. The comments that I have collected from platforms, such as Instagram, range from death threats to insulting a person based on their appearance. My objective of using these comments in my artwork is to give them a physical presence. I want to make what is happening online public knowledge and give parents insight to what their children can potentially be exposed to if allowed to access the internet without proper supervision.

  1. Relic of a Pandemic (Six Feet), 2020, printed on toilet paper, 8" x 10"
  2. Relic of a Pandemic (Fetal), 2020, printed on toilet paper, 8" x 10"