Exhibitions We are all Contagious: Holly Campbell
Holly Campbell

Surprise, AZ

I am interested in all aspects of the human condition, sense of place, the construct of time and the creative process. Especially now during the covid19 pandemic. My thoughts, feelings, humor, concerns, and even fears are ever present in the work, regardless of where the center-point is. Narrative and symbolism are the main tools I apply to explore these themes within collage. The collages made during this pandemic serve as buoys of hope, a way to express, communicate and move through this strange time we are all experiencing together. I use what's around me, employing art to process my surroundings on an internal as well as external level using a variety of materials, such as mixed-media drawing and collage.

Artist's website

Keeping My Candle Lit, 2020, rice paper, ephemera, monoprint, candle, and acrylic stars, 12.25" x 10.75"