Exhibitions We are all Contagious: Daniel Tucker
Daniel Tucker

Philadelphia, PA

We have witnessed an explosion of ideological categories and alliances in our national politics and political artwork is once again popular - but relatively little of this artwork deals with the shifting ideological spectrum itself. Strategic Universalism explores 130 years of the bizarrely eclectic deployment of the rhetorical device "We Are All ____ Now" starting with We Are All Socialists Now (1887) and ending with We Are All Survivalists Now (2020). Ultimately this project is about the political imagination, something that we cannot live without at this moment. Strategic Universalism grows out of a number of recent works including the feature-length videos Future Perfect: Time Capsules in Reagan Country (2015) and Local Control: Karl Hess in the World of Ideas (2018), as well as the graphics research projects Crisis Image Archives (2012) and Little Wars: WROL IRL (2018) with Rosten Woo.

Artist's website

We Are All Survivalists Now, 2020, drawing on copy paper, 11" x 8.5"

Strategic Universalism (We Are All ____ Now), 2019 - ongoing. Series of more than 75 drawings on copy paper, 11" x 8.5"