November 17 - December 6, 2022
CVPA Campus Gallery
November 17 - December 6, 2022
Closing Reception: Tuesday, December 6, 3-6 pm
The CVPA Campus Gallery warmly invites you to Organized Insanity featuring the work of more than 100 foundations students at CVPA made during the 5 foundations classes of the 2022 Fall semester. The foundations curriculum provides students with an introduction to the “foundational” theories and practices of art and design. In these courses our students are pushed to experiment with the inexhaustible potential of cultural production and to test the limits of what they think they know about art, about themselves, and about the world. These courses provide students with a toolbox to be a critical and creative member of their communities.
Works featured by
Abigail Diamond
Abigail Ferree
Abigail Sullivan
Ade Bello
Aeona Dixon
Aidan Finnegan
Alec Taylor
Ally Jansen
Alyson Gordon
Amanda Driscoll
Andrew Fisher
Ashlyn Shea
Ava Leo
Ben Thwing
Beth Talbot
Brandan Raddi
Brittney Riley
Cameron Giunta
Caroline Tracy
Charlie Mulhern
Chloe Canterbury
Christine Sebastiao
Connor Brebner
Dakota Bullock
Damian Polomarenko
Declan Andrews
Dylan Falce
Ebube Orisakwe
Emily Corradi
Emily Roberts
Emily Simoes
Emma Gardner
Emma Ostiguy
Emmanuel Granados
Erick De Souza
Fernando Gaspar Rodríguez
George Bergman
Giulia Carmosino
Hailey Garvey
Heather Cachia
Heather Gallant
Holly Berg
James Christie
Jamie MacKenzie
Jeremy Queiroz
Josh Mariotti
Julia D’Addozio
Kara Cushman
Karim Herrera-Garcia
Katelyn Pereira
Kay DeLeon
Kaylee Tillson
Kendall Keeney
Kiara Cerruti
Koy Graves
Kyle Daly
Kylee Pena
Lily Hinton
Logan Schofield
Luca Swift
Ludo Healy Polastri
Makai Benson
Makyila Cardoso
Mariah Horvitz
Mat Williamson
Maya Therriault
Meara Rath
Michael Gedeon
Myavana Reese
Nahjae Galleano
Onore Buddah
Paige Herrick
Patrick Gaughan
Rebecca Wallace
Rihana Kavanagh
Ryan Harris
Ryan Nash
Ryan Shears
Rylie England
Sabrina Tripodi
Sarah Robinson
Shorya Miglani
Sifdine Sif Bellakhdar
Siobhan Shannon
Sofia Breemes
Teodoro Tapia Carrasco
Teyjeonn mathurin
Thalia Barden
Troy Medeiros
Vanessa Adams
Victoria Schweitzer
Willem Thwing
and more!
k. funmilayo aileru
Gabo Camnitzer
Nick Carter
Sarah Dantowitz
Ruth Douzinas
Serra Victoria
Fels Bothwell
Laura Franz
Fernando Goyret
Lara Henderson
Erin Koch Smith
Zeph Luck
Elena Peteva
Vessna Scheff
The gallery is located on the first floor of the CVPA building at UMass Dartmouth. Visitors are advised to use parking lot 4 and 5. The Gallery hours are Monday through Thursday 10 AM–4 PM, Friday 10 AM–noon.
Light refreshments will be served during the Closing Reception on Tuesday, December 6, 3-6 pm.
Admission is free.