September 30 – October 30, 2019
Reception: Thursday, October 3, 5 – 7 pm, Gallery Talk 6 pm
The photographers contributing to this exhibition are all adult English-language learners at SER-Jobs for Progress, Inc. who have made their home in Fall River, MA. Images of celebrations, making and sharing of food, the beauty of nature, and details of daily life reveal what it has been like to leave a homeland in order to make a new life in the U.S. The exhibition is curated by Maria Ferreira-Bedard (Executive Director, SER-Jobs), Cristina Raposo (ESOL Instructor, SER-Jobs), and Andrea Klimt (Anthropology professor, UMass Dartmouth).
This project is a collaboration between SER-Jobs for Progress and UMass Dartmouth’s Department of Sociology and Anthropology. It was made possible by a grant from MassHumanities, a Creative Commonwealth Grant from the Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts, and support from the Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture. A special thanks goes to over 30 photographers for sharing their work.
Additional information:
Gallery Hours
Monday through Thursday 10am– 4 pm, Fridays 10 am – noon; closed Columbus Day