Art + Design: Graphic Design
Vannyka Sim was born in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Her family immigrated to the U.S 15 years ago, and she is the only person in her family to finish a college education. Vannyka wants to follow her muse and find a creative job that she feels is fulfilling.
“Vitiligo is a long-lasting skin disorder that causes areas of skin to lose color. When skin cells that make color are attacked and destroyed, the skin turns a milky-white color. It can affect people of any age group, gender, or ethnic group.”— NIAMS: National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
I was diagnosed with Vitiligo when I was five years old, and I have been embarrassed and ashamed of my skin all my life. I hated everything about it until I saw Winnie Harlow on the American Next Top Model TV show. She didn’t win the contest, but she changed my life. She continues to inspire me to love myself and embrace who I am.
Now I want to inspire other people as Winnie Harlow did for me. This project is a design awareness campaign. I want to use my graphic design skills to inspires others. “True Shades” is designed to encourage people who are affected by Vitiligo to come together and embrace their skin with confidence!
Instagram: @_vannyka
- True Shades, 2020, identity & logos, dimension variable
- True Shades, 2020, business card design, 2”x 3.5”
- True Shades, 2020, front & back cover of accordion booklets, 3” x 4.25”
- True Shades, 2020, first versions of accordion book, 3” x 4.25”
- True Shades, 2020, second versions of accordion book, 3” x 4.25”
- True Shades, 2020, third versions of accordion book, 3” x 4.25”
- True Shades, 2020, forth version of accordion book, 3” x 4.25”
- True Shades, 2020, t-shirts design, dimension variable
- True Shades, 2020, t-shirts design, dimension variable
- True Shades, 2020, poster design, 27” x 40”
- True Shades, 2020, poster design mockup, 27” x 40”
- True Shades, 2020, Instagram/social media page, dimension variable