Art + Design: Illustration
Among being an Illustration student at CVPA, Sam’s work comprises of scene and series illustrations, application and web design, and logo design. He picked up digital illustration within the past year, but still loves gouache, watercolor, and a Bic ballpoint pen.
The Images of Inner Peace series began with the idea to depict an experience in a person’s life in which they felt most alive based on the details they shared in response to one question:
What experience brings you inner peace? What is involved as part of that experience?
The illustrations based on the responses given share these personal moments and invite viewers to recall their own experiences of inner peace.
Instagram: imaybe._
I prefer to be at home during a good thunderstorm...there's something about the rain that makes me feel freer to do what I need to do. On a sunny day, which, I don't hate sunny days, but I feel like there's more expectation for things to be done, like, I'd feel bad if I had a less productive day on a sunny day. But during a rainy day for some reason that expectation goes away, which is comforting. There's also this excitement that comes with thunderstorms that you don't get with other types of weather. That's what reminds me of home where I grew up in Pennsylvania-there were thunderstorms all the time. - “Z”
I love sceneries-sunsets by the ocean, sunrises by the lake, meadows, pathways through nature (woods, rivers, trails), and landscapes. I also love Autumn. The entire season makes everywhere I look around even more beautiful and it's peaceful. It gives me time to clear my head and be present with my surroundings. Walking around in nature during Autumn is the most peaceful thing to me. All I think about is how beautiful the yellow, red and orange leaves complement each other. The Evergreen trees give a good balance to those vibrant colors as well. Nothing is more relaxing and feeling the warm, crisp air. - “V”
It took a long time to get to inner peace and it was a culmination of my childhood experiences growing up in a tense environment while trying to remain happy and calm. It took me a sense of understanding and realizing that life happens for me to come to terms with acceptance of things and helped me find inner peace and sort out my internal issues. Coming to terms with the fact that life is temporary and that it comes with all the bad but that just means we should appreciate the good in life. That’s how I found inner peace. It helped me make sense of my internal conflicts and restless anger I had at life for loss and tragedy. - “C”
The setting that brings me inner peace is one where I feel in control. Extremely social or demanding situations stress me out and drain me very quickly because I feel like I must overexert myself to maintain a comfortable headspace. I have the habit of waking up around 2 hours before my classes and just lying in bed, looking at the sky, sometimes listening to music, sometimes I have my fountain on and I’m just listening to the water flow. This brings me peace because I’m moving at my own pace in a world that decides nearly everything else for me. - “Y”
Seeing live music makes all my worries go away. I feel centered with myself. Feeling the vibration move through my body is just an experience that I can’t get enough of. Being in the crowd with all these people that I don’t know but almost all of them are friendly and everyone shares everything. It’s like a second family, like another home. It’s surreal enjoying the amount of good energy in the room. All in all, it’s an experience I recommend to everyone. - “D”