Kobe Smith portrait
2020 Senior Exhibition Artists 2020 Senior Exhibition Artists: Kobe Smith
Kobe Smith

Art + Design: Graphic Design


Kobe Smith was born in Hyde Park, Massachusetts and grew up in Canton, Mass. Always interested in self-improvement and personal growth, Kobe has found inspiration from many art forms, contemporary and traditional. Through the versatility of Graphic Design, along with other supplemental mediums, he hopes to leave a lasting impact on his audience while showcasing themes of individuality in his work. 


The human experience when it comes to achieving goals, small and large, is one that is thoroughly understood to be beneficial, at times difficult, and disheartening when unsuccessful. Whenever we embark on this journey, there seems to be a universal truth - You will have days where it is seemingly impossible to work towards achieving that goal you have been planning, and on those days, it is a routine process that will ensure your success where your motivation falters.

In my own journey to overcome this, I have searched high and low for various productivity tools and guides. The culmination of my search is in this project; Tangible, a one part habit-tracking, productivity-guiding daily journal, and another part advertising campaign. To motivate us all to get to whatever heights we seek, while providing some introductory tools to do so.


Email: ksomi@kobesmith.com
Website: kobesmith.com


  1. Tangible Logotype, 2020, logo design for Tangible branding
  2. Tangible Journal (cover), 2020, cover shoot for the Tangible journal, A5: 8.27 x 5.83 in
  3. Tangible Journal (index), 2020, index pages for the Tangible journal, A5: 8.27 x 5.83 in
  4. Tangible Journal (dotted pages), 2020, index pages for the Tangible journal, A5: 8.27 x 5.83 in
  5. Poster Marketing Example, 2020, display example for marketing
  6. "Mamba Out”, 2020, advertisement designed with motivation in mind, 45 x 35 in