Art + Design: Drawing
Josh Neal was raised in the town of Agawam, MA and enjoyed all the things kids do but got the most pleasure from art classes. He decided to take his passion for art and drawing in particular to UMass Dartmouth and earn his BFA degree. Over the last four years he has focused on elevating his craft in art and himself as a person. He is grateful for all of his opportunities and thanks everyone who shared his journey with him.
Pre Covid
Doubt is something that everyone has at some point in their life, something that everyone struggles with. It often keeps us from expressing our feelings or going after something we want. I wanted my work to reflect just that. The true struggle of doubt and the question, what if? I want the viewer to understand the strain that doubt has on us. I also want to give them the confidence to keep reaching forward. Not to give in to that voice that's trying to talk you out of getting what you desire. If there is something you want, and you truly believe in, it is within your reach. You just have to let the doubt fade away.
Since the start of quarantine I have become accustomed to the “new normal”. Living at home as a college senior making art in my room. I might not have the luxury of the studio but that hasn't stopped me from creating and keeping my focus on working and moving forward. I focused on just working! Each piece just becomes an exercise to get my mind off of everything else. My work during this time has no overall meaning individually. Together, however, they represent a timeline of days, and weeks of work during a very unique circumstance.
Instagram: @josh_neal_art
- Doubt, 2020, charcoal on paper, 24” x 36”
- A Way Out, 2020, white primer with red and blue ballpoint pen on dropcloth, 9’ x 6’
- New Normal, 2020, graphite on paper, 46” x 32”
- Older and Alone, 2020, charcoal and gesso on canvas, 24” x 36”
- It Comes in Waves, 2020, acrylic on canvas, 30” x 24”
- Touch of Humanity, 2020, red and blue ballpoint pen on paper, 24” x 20”
- Hide, 2020, acrylic and gloss medium on canvas, 30” x 24”
- Head in Neutral, 2020, charcoal with gesso and marker, 30” x 24”
- Doors and Windows, 2020, gesso, charcoal, and acrylic on dropcloth, 6’ x 9’