Taylor Dutra portrait
2024 Senior Exhibition Artists 2024 Senior Exhibition Artists: Taylor Dutra
Taylor Dutra

Concentration: Art + Design: Graphic Design

About Taylor Dutra

Taylor is a Graphic Designer based out of North Dighton, Massachusetts. She has always been an artistic and creative individual but really started her love and passion for graphic design in her vocational high school where she studied graphic design. She continued her education here at UMass Dartmouth studying for her Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Graphic Design. Taylor has also always had a passion for photography. She loves combining her photography with her design pieces. Taylor is most passionate about projects that include layout design, poster design, merchandise design, branding, and screen printing. She is excited to be graduating and to take her passion of graphic design to a career level.


Creating my own graphics for clothing has been something I have always wanted to do. I had recently taken a screen-printing class where I really started to dive into creating my own graphics to add to t-shirts and hoodies for my friends and I to wear. I love photographing my friends and wearing the design I have made. The Idea for my capstone was to combine my passion for merchandise design, branding, photography, and layout design. Lucky4 is my own clothing brand that I have created where I will be selling graphic tees and other merchandise. The number 4 has always been very prevalent in my life and has always had a lot of meaning behind it for me, so it really is my lucky number. For this project I have created graphics for different types of tees and hoodies using different versions of the logo I have created for Lucky4 and other fun graphics.  I then printed the design through a combination of both screen-printed design and heat pressed design. I photographed friends where they were seen modeling the clothing I have designed and created a small zine to showcase and combine my design and photography skills. I am looking forward to continuing this brand after graduating as well and being able to sell my pieces!

