Kendra Pennor self-portrait
2024 Senior Exhibition Artists 2024 Senior Exhibition Artists: Kendra Pennor
Kendra Pennor

Concentration: Art + Design: Illustration

About Kendra Pennor

Kendra is an illustrator based out of Easton, Massachusetts. Looking for careers as a tattoo artist or print designer. She is interested as well in Artisanry such as weaving, embroidery and bookbinding. Her Capstone is focused on color and symbolism in the form of a tarot deck of the major arcana.


My Capstone project is a tarot deck exploring the major arcana. By mixing the digital realm with more hands-on traditional crafts. I intentionally chose bold colors to create the focal point of the color palettes of each card. Rendering each to my style, which is inspired by more 90’s bold color art, the Pop Art movement and psychedelic style art. For this project I learned bookbinding and weaving, the book presented is bound by hand with a loom woven cover and placemat underneath the cards and books.
