Ria Gameros headshot
2023 Senior Exhibition Artists 2023 Senior Exhibition Artists: Ria Gameros
Ria Gameros

Art + Design: Integrated Studio Arts

About Ria Gameros

Ria is a Jewelry student who originally came to the CVPA as a painting major. However, when she took one jewelry metals class, she fell in love. She has worked professionally in the field for two years and now specializes in commissions. Ria has an interest in sterling silver and bezel setting. 


Metal is a difficult creature. Each piece wants to be made into something and will fight you tooth and nail on your way to make it something else. People see metal as a cold, permanent substance, but I see it as a trickster, desiring to do it’s own thing and messing with you if it doesn’t get its way. Many jewelers try to fight back and make the piece exactly what they design. I believe that the metal should get a final say in what it wants to be. I used to force my metal to do what I wanted, but it never was quite what I pictured it to be. Now, I try to alter projects and change ideas as I work on them to flow with where the metal decides to be. Sometimes, this means making a completely different piece than I originally intended, but I find the new piece to be more satisfying when it’s a compromise between creator and material.

