Art + Design: Illustration
About Scott Hagan
As a candidate for a Bachelors of Fine Art in Illustration, Scott’s interest and focus is on sequential and narrative art, especially story telling through the form of the graphic novel. He returns to the creative arts after some time away, his energies and efforts having been diverted toward other avenues while his skills as an artist languished. In pursuit of his degree he’s included studies in Creative Writing and aspects of Film and Video production and editing, believing that a story not only needs to be well rendered, but visually appealing, and have a sound narrative to anchor it.
Comic books. Graphic novels. Stories and ideas which I have in my head and wish to tell through these mediums. These are the motivators and reasons behind my pursuit of training in visual art and storytelling, and a degree in Illustration.
My inspirations in the visual art world are the realist and hyper-realist artists, who with deft hands are able to convincingly recreate the world around us. These artists are not only my inspirations, but aspirations as well. It’s created a fixation, an obsession, with accuracy and realism in my artwork which drives my hand, frustrates my mind, and frames the ever ticking clock as my arch adversary.
Through the examples seen in this exhibit the viewer is introduced to the leaning toward realism in my style. But the viewer is also given a glimpse into a distilled and simplified style deriving from that realism, one which will serve the world of the graphic novel as I begin to unfurl my stories to my future readers.