AlcheMake Logo, 2022, the branding and logo for this makerspace
2022 Senior Exhibition Artists 2022 Senior Exhibition Artists: Jay Thomas Weygand
Jay Thomas Weygand

Art + Design: Interior Architecture + Design

About Jay Thomas Weygand

Jay Weygand is an Interior Architecture and design student, driven in his field by a passion for creative built environment solutions and architectural innovation. His work seeks to present observers with spaces filled with whimsy and unconventional color palettes. Originally an English major, Jay enjoys the person to person interaction made possible in his field, and finding ways to bring his personal passions into designs for everyone.


This Makerspace and Digital Literacy Center was created with the goal of giving K-12 students opportunities to explore different fields of interest and study not offered to them through most public institutions. It is unfair to expect a child that has not been afforded any explorational education, to know what they want to do for the rest of their lives at 18. AlcheMake is a solution to these problems and promotes creativity, individuality and innovation.


