Crane, 2022, looking out at the city of Eidolon 6 while crossing an activated platform
Crane, 2022, looking out at the city of Eidolon 6 while crossing an activated platform
2022 Senior Exhibition Artists 2022 Senior Exhibition Artists: Emmett Smith
Emmett Smith

Art + Design: Animation + Game Arts

About Emmett Smith

My name is Emmett smith, I’m a game programmer who originally studied at Becker College. I love making games and have touched nearly every aspect of their creation; however, I find programming to be the most rewarding. I hope you enjoy the game that I’ve worked on and look forward to sharing it.

Red Node, 2022, one of the power nodes that players interact with to solve puzzles in Eidolon 6
Red Node, 2022, one of the power nodes that players interact with to solve puzzles in Eidolon 6


Eidolon 6 is a 3D puzzle platformer where the player tries to escape the smog of a ruined futuristic city and see the stars. I focused less on gameplay and story for this game to try and improve my proficiency with shaders, which add a nice visual flare to the game.



Purple Path, 2022, the path leading to the first puzzle that players will solve in Eidolon 6
Purple Path, 2022, the path leading to the first puzzle that players will solve in Eidolon 6
Central Station, 2022, the central hub station in Eidolon 6
Central Station, 2022, the central hub station in Eidolon 6