Bread and Butter, 2022, digital, 6 x 6 in.
Bread and Butter, 2022, digital, 6 x 6 in.
2022 Senior Exhibition Artists 2022 Senior Exhibition Artists: Adam T. Moniz
Adam T. Moniz

Art + Design: Illustration

About Adam T. Moniz

Adam Moniz is an Illustrator and Fine Artist working in many traditional forms of media as well as digital, to create captivating visuals. His work has its roots in his Catholic faith and he uses this as inspiration to seek out beauty in his work. He hopes to continue along this path where he can passionately create images that inspire. Adam also loves a goofy joke or a clever pun, and likes to visualize these funny moments or ideas in cartoons. He simply loves to draw.


In this past year or so, I have had many people come into my life and touch me with their stories. They made me appreciate a certain simplicity in everyday life that I had forgotten. In making art, I had overlooked the place that I found myself in. A place to create, which is an amazing gift. As much as it feels like my paintings or drawings are something I made, and I am giving to the world, they are rather an attempt to capture beauty. Beauty, which has been given to me from God. When I look out at Gods creation, I am humbled to a place where I find my artwork as a permanent endeavor to capture this beauty. A hopeless journey, but one that led me to create The Stations of the Cross. Where the Creator himself, Beauty itself was given to us, and took on the ugliness of our sin, and by dying as a sinner in the eyes of the world, turned our sins into the means of salvation. Creating the Stations of the Cross took on a new meaning for me, where being a creator seemed to be a position I was not worthy of. A raindrop holds Gods perfection, nothing man made can ever come close to this perfection. But God lets me be a creator, as he humbled himself to become man, he also raises man to be more like Him, as we are made in his image and likeness. So, he makes me worthy. If Jesus’s crucifixion and death on the cross was the result of the worlds shortcomings and He conquered them and rose from the dead, I felt moved to draw Jesus’s crucifixion and death, as my art will always fall short in pursuing God’s perfection but calls me to continue seeking out Beauty.

P.S. Cartoons are pretty fun too