Art + Design: Photography
About David Moriarty
David Moriarty received his BFA in Photography at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth in 2021. A native of Cape Cod, his interest in photography began in his senior year of high school. David’s interest in the medium grew exponentially from there. He discovered a strong attraction to film photography after taking an introductory darkroom class, developing and printing black and white 35mm negatives. He then began experimenting with color film, and was entranced by the unique qualities of 35mm color film. His preferred method of working with the medium is to be out in the world, exploring new areas and finding the beauty in the overlooked.
Cape Cod is an idyllic summer destination of historical interest. Every summer, thousands of tourists come from New England and all over the country to visit and spend time soaking up sun at the beach, and exploring the unique landscape that is Cape Cod. In the summer months, many businesses thrive with the increased population. Hotels, restaurants, souvenir and beach shops are examples of businesses that depend on their profit made in the summer. But what about the other seasons? What do they look like then? What if they are forced to close for good?
With this project, I want to explore these questions. I want to take a deeper look into the businesses/locations that seem to only be functional in the summer. The economy of Cape Cod is fragile, if a seasonal business does not have a profitable summer, it may not survive. Many businesses have closed due to this problem. One thing I have noticed is that just because an establishment has gone out of business, doesn’t mean it will disappear. Many buildings remain where they are, as if one day to be restored to a new working order.
As many people do, I find the idea of abandonment very interesting. What I find fascinating about the businesses and places I’ve explored for this project is that they are not always permanently abandoned, but are dormant for half of the year. I’ve created a contrast between seasonally closed areas, and permanently closed areas.
This project is a series of 42 photographic images, made from 35mm color negatives. A main focus of the project is a book of images sequenced to show not simply the undeniable beauty of Cape Cod, but also the vacant seasonal businesses and landscapes, as well as the idea that the intruding ocean will one day eliminate the economy all together.