TheWorldofCapstone, 2021, stone sea daytime render
TheWorldofCapstone, 2021, stone sea daytime render
2021 Senior Exhibition Artists 2021 Senior Exhibition Artists: Brianna Mercado
Brianna Mercado

Art + Design: Animation + Game Arts

About Brianna Mercado

Brianna Mercado was born in Massachusetts. She is graduating in spring 2021 with a BFA in Animation and Game Arts. Growing up Brianna has admired animated film and games, aspiring to work heavily in the game industry as a modeler. Brianna intends to create awe inspiring works that are stunning and memorable for many to enjoy. 


My senior capstone project is split into two parts: World building and 3D/2D Visuals. The first task was to create a world filled with magic and peoples that use them in unique ways. To do this I put it in the form of writing. The second was to put visuals to the writing, composing of three 3d rendered landscape scenes (made in Blender), and three 2d rendered characters (Painted in Photoshop), in the span of 3 months. This idea was sparked for my love for in depth lore and world building. Creating a land and concept that could be used by others to create a multiverse/alternative universe lore and characters. 

This world I have created is called Capstone. Capstone itself is the union between a primordial being from another dimension and Earth. After humans discover magic and work to harness it, they accidentally summon this being. Years of war between humans and this being it left the world scarred and desolate. Six humans banded together to defeat this being. These six people mastered magic in their own way and used its power to convince the being that the world was worth saving. The once malicious creature changed its plans and used its power to save the earth. The earth separated into six primordial forces that reshaped the planet. The six heroes were granted god like power creating six artifacts and brought back humans with the ideals and powers that made the heroes great. This creating the seven races who use their powers to shape the planet into the ideal planet. 

My capstone included 3 characters and their homes. The three characters are Jana, Whynn, and Justice. The Stone Sea is Jana’s homethe Spiral Tower is Whynn’s home, and the Blood Hearth is Justice’s home. These characters being born after the events regarding the heroes and are living in a world of relative peace. Jana is a Stone Shifter, able to change her form to a bipedal wolf; In her human form she can control earth. Whynn is a Wind Witch, meaning that she can control wind but also has control over arcane magic. Justice is a Death Source who can only live and use death magic in areas with dying or dead things. The three landscapes portray these characters’ homes.  

The completion of each project was around 30 days. Each month I prepared and executed a new project. Planning my week to week I gave myself soft deadlines to give myself the option to go back and change things as I need to. This capstone made me realize that I am good at bouncing around and coming back stronger. A lot of times I ran past my soft deadlines and made a part of the model and character stronger. I am still learning and striving to be better in my craft. One day I hope to use all that I have learned to create worlds of wonder in a studio setting. My future with this project is to keep going with monthly visual updates of the world. Also writing more about the world and its lore.

