UMass Dartmouth 2020 MFA Thesis Exhibition
Jasmine Gonzalez studied sculpture and ceramics at the University of Hartford’s Hartford Art School in Connecticut. After completing her BFA in 2014 she became the first resident artist at Guilford Art Center in Guilford, CT where she worked as resident artist, studio assistant, and teacher before pursuing a Masters at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.
I have lived in many places. I have experienced many things. I am grounded by the earth, and by default, adaptability has become part of my language. Resourceful by nature, I use what I have available to me as sources of materials to create emotional and seemingly unsettled structures. My process informs the capacity of the structures that I build and assemble. Like a person or a community, the works have limits. I’m interested in ways that I can work my structures to those limits in order to speak about capacity. At what point do we begin to question our strength as well as our weakness, and how can we find balance?
Expectation can be defined as a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future. Hope is complete faith - even if you do not know. I am interested in breaking down our expectations of home and using the structure of the house to define or undefine the ideals of home. Its guidelines are not a means to build structure but to break down the existing ideal, and our expectations of home.
- Tenares Town #1, 2019, mixed media, recycled earthenware, wire from the basement, found string, old kiln post, and wood, 28” x 27” x 10”
- Tenares Town #1 (detail), 2019, mixed media, recycled earthenware, wire from the basement, found string, old kiln post, and wood, 28” x 27” x 10”
- Tenares Town #3, 2019, mixed media, recycled earthenware, fragments of furniture found on the roadside, found yellow rack, rejected castor from the basement, wire, string, unknown metal circles Kelly found at the dog park, thixotropic fired glazed drips from Joe’s studio, found and assorted nails and screws, and glue, wall: 30” x 12” x 7” / floor: 42” x 32” x 13”
- Tenares Town #3 (detail), 2019, mixed media, recycled earthenware, fragments of furniture found on the roadside, found yellow rack, rejected castor from the basement, wire, string, unknown metal circles Kelly found at the dog park, thixotropic fired glazed drips from Joe’s studio, found and assorted nails and screws, and glue, wall: 30” x 12” x 7” / floor: 42” x 32” x 13”
- Tenares Town #3 (detail), 2019, mixed media, recycled earthenware, fragments of furniture found on the roadside, found yellow rack, rejected castor from the basement, wire, string, unknown metal circles Kelly found at the dog park, thixotropic fired glazed drips from Joe’s studio, found and assorted nails and screws, and glue, wall: 30 x 12” x 7” / floor: 42” x 32” x 13”
- Tenares Town #2, 2019, mixed media, recycled earthenware, old kiln shelf scrap, wood, glue, and an old recycled lazy-susan turning mechanism, 63” x 12” x 12”
- Tenares Town #2 (detail), 2019, mixed media, recycled earthenware, old kiln shelf scrap, wood, glue, and an old recycled lazy-susan turning mechanism, 63” x 12” x 12”
- House, 2020, mixed media, reclaimed wood, found recycled fiberglass, recycled orange flannels and cotton, recycled earthenware, seashells, found sticks, cut reclaim wood, broken ceramic sculptures, string, found nails and screws, 85” x 50” x 50”
- House, 2020, mixed media, reclaimed wood, found recycled fiberglass, recycled orange flannels and cotton, recycled earthenware, seashells, found sticks, cut reclaim wood, broken ceramic sculptures, string, found nails and screws, 85” x 50” x 50” (alternate view)
- House (detail), 2020, mixed media, reclaimed wood, found recycled fiberglass, recycled orange flannels and cotton, recycled earthenware, seashells, found sticks, cut reclaim wood, broken ceramic sculptures, string, found nails and screws, 85” x 50” x 50”
- Rest, 2020, mixed media, recycled earthenware, heavy chunk of reclaimed wood, found buoys, cut mop handle, forgotten orange slinky, string, and glue, 42” x 30” x 25”
- Untitled-Extruder #1, 2020, mixed media, make-shift table found on the roadside, found orange traffic cone, wood, already bent rebar, recycled broom handles, metal thingy Chris gave me, and some screws, 37” x 14” x 14”