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SPE 547: Intro to Special Education - spring

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing or permission of instructor

Inclusive education is viewed from a historical and legal perspective for pragmatic definition of terms and identification of those participants in the inclusive classroom. Organizational restructuring, philosophical implications, educational diversity defined, goal setting, agency resources, curriculum modification, diverse content instructional models, and alternative assessment prepare the future teacher for effective responses to differing student learning styles, rates, and needs. Research of the literature, development of an IEP, curriculum and adapted lesson planning, material development, and classroom management provide essential professional skills for the K-12 inclusionary- classroom teacher.

13245 01 Lecture 30 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 5:00 PM EST 7:30 PM EST Synchronous Online
Instructor: Sunil Jagannath Class status:
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing or permission of instructor
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: On-Line