PHY 441: Statistic Thermodynamics - fall

Prerequisite: PHY 213; Pre or Co-Requisite:PHY 341; or permission of instructor

General Education requirement: Natural Science Technology

The laws of thermodynamics and their interpretation based on the microscopic behavior. Entropy and probability, equilibrium, reversibility, thermodynamic functions, phase changes, and quantum statistics are studied. Applications to problems in solid state physics are examined.

12958 01 Lecture 10 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 11:00 AM EDT 11:50 AM EDT Science & Engr 102
Instructor: Robert Fisher Class status:
Prerequisite: PHY 213; Pre or Co-Requisite:PHY 341; or permission of instructor
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person