PHY 313: Mechanics - fall

Prerequisite: PHY 115, 234 and MTH 211 or 213; or permission of instructor

General Education requirement: Natural Science Technology

Mechanics of particle systems including central force motion and two body scattering, accelerating coordinate systems, rigid body kinematics and dynamics, coupled oscillators, small vibrations and normal modes, introduction to Lagrangian methods. Analytical and numerical approaches towards problem solving emphasized.

11592 01 Lecture 20 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 12:00 PM EDT 12:50 PM EDT Science & Engr 102
Instructor: Christian McHugh Class status:
Prerequisite: PHY 115, 234 and MTH 211 or 213; or permission of instructor
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person