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MGT 471: Small Business Strategy - spring

Prerequisite: MGT 311 or MGT 201 Prerequisite: MGT 311 or MGT 201

Capstone course for Small Business/Entrepreneurship Option. Topics covered include models of growth, the manager's propensity for and ability to manage growth, organizational life cycles, professionalizing family businesses, financial planning, control and accountability, market analysis, and the changing role of the board of directors. Students will develop a business plan emphasizing growth of an existing business.

11519 01 Lecture 35 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 12:30 PM EST 1:45 PM EST Spruce Hall 130
Instructor: David Bell Class status:
Prerequisite: MGT 311 or MGT 201 Prerequisite: MGT 311 or MGT 201
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person