LAW 515: Torts I - fall

A study of the law, policy, and theory of civil wrongs not arising from contract, including intentional assault, battery, false imprisonment, infliction of emotional distress, trespass, and conversion; negligence concepts, including duty, fault, causation, and injury; defenses, such as consent, assumption of risk, and comparative fault; strict and product liability; and other liability theories, such as nuisance, defamation, invasion of privacy, misrepresentation, and interference with economic relations.

12785 01 Lecture 60 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 10:35 AM EDT 12:00 PM EDT Law School 231
Instructor: Philip Cleary Class status:
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person
12786 02 Lecture 63 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1:15 PM EDT 2:40 PM EDT Law School 231
Instructor: Eric Mitnick Class status:
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person
12811 03 Lecture 25 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 8:05 PM EDT 9:30 PM EDT Law School 231
Instructor: Richard Peltz-Steele Class status:
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person