IAD 101: Int Arch&Dsgn I: Introduction - spring

This course introduces the students to the principles, elements and history of design. Students will examine and begin to work with the physical and psychological relationships that exist in the environment. Emphasis will be placed on visual literacy and problem solving methodology, building a strong foundation for the design process itself. Various types and progressive levels of design problems will be engaged, all in preparation for subsequent studio courses. Computers will be integrated into this studio. Notes: Workload per week: two hours of lecture, four hours of studio and eight hours of homework.

11652 01B Studio 15 3.00
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 3:30 PM EDT 6:15 PM EDT Visual & Perf Arts 259
Instructor: Monica Johnson Class status:
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: Blended