ECE 201: Circuit Theory I - fall

Prerequisite: MTH 152 or MTH 154; For CPE/ELE majors only

General Education requirement: Natural Science Technology

The first course covering basic theory of circuit analysis. The goals of this course include developing an ability to solve engineering problems and to design, implement and test circuits to meet design specifications. Topics include network theorems, review of techniques to solve simultaneous equations, nodal and mesh circuit analysis, dependent sources, Thevenin's and Norton's equivalent circuits, solution of first and second order networks to switched DC inputs, and natural responses. Group classroom and project activities require design, simulation, implementation and measurement of practical circuits. Written reports of project results are required.

11514 01 Lecture 30 3.50
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 12:30 PM EDT 1:45 PM EDT Science & Engr 212
Instructor: Dayalan Kasilingam Class status:
Prerequisite: MTH 152 or MTH 154; For CPE/ELE majors only
Non-Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person
11515 01L1 Laboratory 30 3.50
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 2:00 PM EDT 3:30 PM EDT Science & Engr 219
Instructor: Dayalan Kasilingam Class status:
Prerequisite: MTH 152 or MTH 154; For CPE/ELE majors only
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person
Topic: Honors
11633 02H Lecture 9 3.50
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 12:30 PM EDT 1:45 PM EDT Science & Engr 212
Instructor: Dayalan Kasilingam Class status:
Prerequisite: MTH 152 or MTH 154; For CPE/ELE majors only
Non-Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person
11634 02HL Laboratory 9 3.50
Days Start End Location
MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 2:00 PM EDT 3:30 PM EDT Science & Engr 218
Instructor: Dayalan Kasilingam Class status:
Prerequisite: MTH 152 or MTH 154; For CPE/ELE majors only
Enrollment Section
Class instruction mode: In Person