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Active Projects

FY 2024-FY 2025

Academic spaces

Dion 1st floor classrooms upgrades PH-2 - Dec '24-Jan '25

Phase 1 of this classroom renovation was completed in January of 2024 that included the replacement of classroom and lecture area furniture, white boards and upgrades to AV systems. Phase 2 is scheduled for winter break and will include the replacement of existing metal doors with new glass doors.

CVPA Art and Design studios - Jul '24-Sept '24
Modifications to the various studio spaces including increasing the amount of individual studio spaces and the addition of a wheel throwing area.

Research spaces

TEXT 101B CIS Grad student research space renovation - Jul '24-Oct '24
Renovate grad student computer labs space to create an open floor plan for improved interaction and collaboration.

SENG 224 Conversion to new ECE laser research lab - Feb '24-Sept '24

Convert a former Electrical Engineering research space into a new laser research lab. 

Other campus projects

Currently N/A 



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