Faculty Staff Profiles
Online directory
The online directory lists basic contact information such as name, job title, phone number, and email address.
Faculty profile
The faculty profile connected to the online directory listing is maintained by the University Marketing department, and extends the basic directory listing maintained by CITS with resume-style information about academic credentials, publications, or a summary of research work and interests. This content is published on the main UMass Dartmouth web site and is publicly viewable. Request edits to your profile
Faculty blog site
Faculty blogs are built on the UMass Dartmouth WordPress server, and bound to the styles and functionality provided through WordPress. It can host additional content beyond the faculty profile, such as course-related materials or details about research activities. The CITS Instructional Development Team can help getting started with a faculty blog, but then it's up to the faculty member or researcher to maintain the content.
Custom web hosting
Departments with a dedicated IT administrator may host custom web pages for researchers. Such pages host content directly connected to research models or software that cannot be accommodated in a WordPress site. Custom pages are subject to basic University branding and styling requirements.
Faculty and researchers in departments without an IT administrator can contact CITS for hosting options. CITS will assess the need for custom hosting.
Generally, custom web hosting requires a long-term support commitment through the department and advanced web coding skills.
Contact University Marketing BEFORE developing a website with the intent of hosting it outside the UMass Dartmouth domain and IT infrastructure.
Related Policies
- ITS-001: Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy
- ITS-003: Web Development Policy
- ITS-006: Information Security Policy
- ITS-007: Confidentiality of Institutional Information and Research Data Policy
- Copyright Infringement
Related Links
- Online Directory and Faculty Profile Requests and Updates
- Get Started with a Faculty Blog
For questions, please contact CITS at 508.999.8900 (or x8900) or submit a case using the IT Help form.