Special Lists
Note: Faculty members can send email to their classes by using the class rosters in COIN. (CITS is not able to provide email lists for this population.) For more information, visit "COIN faculty information" under Help in myUMassD, the web portal.
Because all members of the UMass Dartmouth community have email accounts, email can be used to contact specific groups. For example, a department chair may want a list to contact the students in a particular major; a dean may need to contact a selected group of students from the college. CITS can make these lists available or update existing lists. (Keep in mind that all students may not use their university email accounts regularly.)
There are three types of lists:
- A: Email list where ONLY the designated individual(s) can post to the list; messages are received by all email addresses on the list
- B: Email list that allows all subscribed members on the list to send/receive email to the list (no one outside the list may send messages)
- C: Email list to which anyone (whether on the list or not) may send a message; messages are received by all email addresses on the list
Please email your requests. Provide the following information in your email request:
- Type of email list: A, B or C (see above)
- Person responsible for the list
- Population to be selected (e.g., by a college, by a major, etc.)
- Email addresses of those to be subscribed, as appropriate
Note: The list will be created at a particular point in time and will not reflect changes made after the creation of the list. Due to limited resources, we are able to create or update these requested lists once a semester. Individuals within a department may be designated as list maintainers who can subscribe and unsubscribe addresses.
The appropriate authority must make the request.
CITS will consult with offices responsible for student information prior to creating these lists.
See also Email Distribution and Discussion Lists & Etiquette Guidelines.