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First and foremost:

You are responsible for meeting your graduation requires.  Advisors can advise, but since you control your curriculum via your COIN account, the final responsibility is up to you.

General Overview

Each semester you must make an appointment with your advisor to review your course selections. The advisor then removes the hold on your account so that you can register on-line at or after your appointed time (which you will get in your invitation to register). Psychology advisors often have a group session each semester. Look for announcements via email or signs on the advisors' door. Also, be aware that the Psychology Department communicates via email to students' campus accounts. It is your responsibility to check it regularly. You can forward your UMASS email to a different email account, if you wish.

Here is a list of information and resouces.

  • The UMASS Dartmouth catalog of the year in which you admitted is the official document for all requirements. K
  • You are responsible for fulling the following requirements:
    • The College of Arts & Sciences and the General Education requirements, which are designed to provide a well-rounded liberal arts requirements. Fortunately, these are highly overlapping. They include a variety of courses in disparate disciplines as well as courses that emphasize skills such as writing and computer use. Note that one of the College requirements is to pass a foreign language at the 202 level.
    • The Psychology major consists of 32 credits of required courses. Generally 200-level courses are taken in one's sophomore year, 300-level courses in one's junior year, and 400-level courses in one's senior year. In addition, most Psychology courses have specific prerequisites.
    • You must maintain a GPA of 2.5 in the major, starting with 6 credits for transfer students and 9 credits for four year students. In addition, you must not receive three or more grades of "W" or "I" in one semester.  Students who fail to maintain this GPA are placed on probation.
    • 30 credits upper-level courses (300 and above), which may be from any department, including Psychology and selected courses in Education
    • 45 credits at UMASS Dartmouth
    • 120 credits total
  • Your advisor is listed in COIN.

When to meet with your advisor:

  • It is always OK to call or come by to see your advisor if you have problems
  • It is especially OK to come by and talk about non-academic issues like: career planning, extra-curricular opportunities and management, or just to say hello so we can get to know you.
  • If you need help tracking where you are on your path to graduation.

Each semester, prior to getting your hold lifted:

  1. Update your electronic tracking sheet.  Here's a blank sheet:.  Once you fill it out, just update it.  Feel free to email it to your advisor, too.
  2. Look for an email from your advisor with instructions for how to get your hold lifted.  It might be an individual meeting, a group meeting, or responding to a survey.
  3. Fill out this acknowledgement and planning form and email it to your advisor.  Include "ADVISING" in your subject line.
  4. Identify how many credits you will have completed at the end the semester.  Use your unofficial transcript - credits completed plus credits being earned this semester.  Compare this to where you should be in your march toward a total of 120 credits by end of senior year.
  5. Review suggestions below to plan out your next semester:


Advising in Fall Freshman Year (you will have 16 credits or so upon completion of this semester)

You can register starting November (earlier for athletes and other select groups). Your specific time and date sent to you by e-mail. You cannot register before that time. (The computer is smart and won't let it happen!)


  1. You have University Studies requirements:
  2. You have College of Arts and Sciences requirements:
  3. You have psychology requirements.

For University Studies:

  1. You are probably enrolled in 2 or 3 University Studies courses now, including ENL 101.
  2. Plan on taking ENL 102 next.
  3. Take 2 or 3 more required courses from Clusters 2, 3, and 4. For a full list of approved courses:
  4. If you have not taken your Cluster 1D math requirement, take it now. It must also be off the approved list.

For College of Arts and Sciences Requirements

  1. Many of your University Studies requirements count toward your College of Arts and Science requirements. Typically, 9 of the 14 College of Arts and Sciences requirements are covered by fulfilling the University Studies requirements. At this point, you should be focused more on University Studies.
  2. If you have not started a language, take 101 (unless you have been placed in a higher level because of courses in high school) in a language of your choice. If you are in a language now, take the next one up 102, 201, 202, until you complete 202 in a language. Once you have completed through the 202 level, this requirement is complete.
  3. If you want to work on your College of Arts and Science requirements above and beyond what overlaps with University Studies, consider taking another social science or humanities course.
  • For the College of Arts and Science requirements, you need to complete 4 other areas (beside ENL 101,102 and Language)

For Psychology

  1. You are taking PSY 101
  2. For the Spring (next semester) take Lifespan (PSY 220) or Abnormal (PSY 202) or both

Free Electives: Part of college is just taking courses that you want to take. About 76 or so credits are taken up by requirements. That leaves about 44 or so that are yours to choose. Feel free to add any course that you want into the mix for the spring semester - just because.

To Review:

  1. Start with taking ENL 102
  2. Get started on your language requirement sequence.
  3. For psychology take Lifespan, Abnormal or both
  4. Take a math course, if not completed already
  5. Pick one or two more from the University Studies list

You will probably need to check the specific courses on the course list because you will need the course #. The number is the specific one for THAT section (time). By the time you register, lots of the class sections will be closed. Sorry, freshmen start at the bottom; some day you will be a senior and get to pick first.


Advising in Spring Freshman Year (you will have 31 credits or so upon completion of this semester)

You can register starting April (earlier for athletes and other select groups). Your specific time and date sent to you by e-mail. You cannot register before that time.


  1. You have University Studies requirements:
  2. You have College of Arts and Sciences requirements:
  3. You have psychology requirements.

For University Studies:

  1. You will probably have 5 or 6 University Studies courses completed by the end of this semester, including Cluster 1A, 1B, and 1D. If you are not done with these courses, take them now.
  2. Assuming you have completed ENL 102, plan on taking a literature course for Cluster 3A.
  3. Take two to three more University Studies course from Clusters 2, 3 or 4 - you may finish these requirements in the next semester with careful planning. For a full list of approved courses:

For College of Arts and Sciences Requirements

  1. Many of your University Studies requirements count toward your College of Arts and Science requirements. Typically, 9 of the 14 College of Arts and Sciences requirements are covered by fulfilling the University Studies requirements. Map out what is covered by your University Studies courses.
  2. If you have not started a language, take 101 (unless you have been placed in a higher level because of courses in high school) in a language of your choice. If you are in a language now, take the next one up 102, 201, 202, until you complete 202 in a language. Once you have completed through the 202 level, this requirement is complete.
  3. If your schedule has room, you will want to consider working on your College of Arts and Science requirements above and beyond what overlaps with University Studies. This should involve another natural science.
  4. If you did not take CAS 101 in the fall of freshman year or you failed it, register for it now.

For Psychology

  1. You are taking Lifespan (PSY 220) or Abnormal (PSY 202) or both
  2. For the Fall (next semester) take whatever you haven't taken Lifespan (PSY 220) or Abnormal (PSY 202).
  3. Additionally, take either PSY 250 or PSY 205. Please note, you want to have completed PSY 205 by end of sophomore year at the latest.
  4. Note: If you plan to take PSY 205, this course goes into your schedule first. It is the keystone course for the semester - it has extra hours and an irregular schedule - all your other courses need to fit in around it!

Free Electives: Part of college is just taking courses that you want to take. Feel free to add any course that you want into the mix for the fall semester. If you have enjoyed some other courses outside the psychology major, take another in that field. You may end up doing a minor.

To Review:

  1. Take a literature course off the University Studies approved list.
  2. Try to finish off your University Studies requirements (except for 1C, 5A and 5B).
  3. Get started or continue on your language requirement sequence.
  4. For psychology, if you have not taken either PSY 220 or PSY 202, take it. You can also take either PSY 250 or PSY 205.
  5. Consider an elective or working on your remaining College of Arts and Sciences requirements.

You will probably need to check the specific courses on the course list because you will need the course #. The number is the specific one for THAT section (time). By the time you register, some of the class sections will be closed. At least you are choosing ahead of the incoming freshmen.


Advising in Fall Sophomore Year (you will have 46 credits or so upon completion of this semester)

You can register starting November (earlier for athletes and other select groups). Your specific time and date sent to you by e-mail. You cannot register before that time.


  1. You have University Studies requirements:
  2. You have College of Arts and Sciences requirements:
  3. You have psychology requirements.

For University Studies:

  1. You will probably complete most of your University Studies requirements by the end of this semester. The remaining ones, Cluster 1C and Clusters 5A and 5B are incorporated in the psychology major. If you finish the major, you will cover these requirements along the way.
  2. If you are not going to finish your University Studies requirements, make that a priority for this next semester:

For College of Arts and Sciences Requirements

  1. If you have not started a language, take 101 (unless you have been placed in a higher level because of courses in high school) in a language of your choice. If you are in a language now, take the next one up 102, 201, 202, until you complete 202 in a language. Once you have completed through the 202 level, this requirement is complete.
  2. It is time to get more focused on completing your College of Arts and Science requirements. This means third natural science. It also means a second literature. It may mean one more social science or humanity.

For Psychology

  1. If you have not taken PSY 220 or PSY 202, you should take them now!
  2. This semester, you are likely to be taking PSY 250 or PSY 205. Whichever of these two (or both) that you are not taking now, sign up for in the spring. Please note, you want to have completed PSY 205 by end of sophomore year at the latest
  3. Note: If you plan to take PSY 205, this course goes into your schedule first. It is the keystone course for the semester - it has extra hours and an irregular schedule - all your other courses need to fit in around it.
  4. If you are taking PSY 205, you can consider starting on some of your upper level electives, including PSY 304 or PSY 308.

Free Electives: Part of college is just taking courses that you want to take. Feel free to add any course that you want into the mix for the fall semester. If you have enjoyed some other courses outside the psychology major, take another in that field. You may end up doing a minor.

To Review:

  1. Finish any University Studies requirements not related to Cluster 1C, 5A, 5B
  2. Get started or continue on your language requirement sequence.
  3. For psychology, if you have not taken PSY 250 or PSY 205, take them. PSY 205 must be completed by spring sophomore year.
  4. Consider an elective or working on your remaining College of Arts and Sciences requirements.


Advising in Spring Sophomore Year (you will have 62 credits or so upon completion of this semester)

You can register starting April (earlier for athletes and other select groups). Your specific time and date sent to you by e-mail. You cannot register before that time.


  1. You have University Studies requirements:
  2. You have College of Arts and Sciences requirements:
  3. You have psychology requirements.

For University Studies:

  1. You should be done with all your University Studies requirements The remaining ones, Cluster 1C and Clusters 5A and 5B are incorporated in the psychology major. If you finish the major, you will cover these requirements along the way.

For College of Arts and Sciences Requirements

  1. If you have not started a language, you MUST start 101 (unless you have been placed in a higher level because of courses in High school) in a language of your choice. If you are in a language now, take the next one up 102, 201, 202, until you complete 202 in a language. Once you have completed through the 202 level, this requirement is complete.
  2. Finish up an additional College of Arts and Science requirements.

For Psychology

  1. You should be all done with the Foundations I requirements by the end of this semester (PSY 101, 202, 205, 220, and 250). If not, finish them.
  2. If you are not in PSY 304 or PSY 308, you should enroll in one of them this semester.
  3. If you have taken PSY 304 or PSY 308, consider taking the other.
  4. Additionally, you can consider taking your methods course. The methods course includes a PSY 39X and the corresponding lab PSY 38X. Please pay attention to the pre-requisites for the different courses (i.e. PSY 220 for PSY 390, etc.). Additionally, the specific methods and lab must correspond down to the section number (i.e. students signing up for PSY 390-02 must sign up for lab PSY 380-02).
  • Note: If you plan to take a PSY 39X course with corresponding lab, PSY 38X, these course go into your schedule first. It is the keystone course for the semester - it has extra hours and an irregular schedule - all your other courses need to fit in around it.

Free Electives: Part of college is just taking courses that you want to take. Feel free to add any course that you want into the mix for the fall semester. If you have enjoyed some other courses outside the psychology major, take another in that field. You may end up doing a minor.

To Review:

  1. Finish any University Studies requirements not related to Cluster 1C, 5A, 5B
  2. Get started or continue on your language requirement sequence.
  3. For psychology, if you have not taken PSY 304 or PSY 308, minimally take them one of them. Consider taking your Psych methods course.
  4. Finish your remaining College of Arts and Sciences requirements.


Advising in Fall Junior Year (you will have 77 credits or so upon completion of this semester)

You can register starting November (earlier for athletes and other select groups). Your specific time and date sent to you by e-mail. You cannot register before that time.


  1. You have University Studies requirements:
  2. You have College of Arts and Sciences requirements:
  3. You have psychology requirements.

For University Studies:

  1. You should be done with all your University Studies requirements The remaining ones, Cluster 1C and Clusters 5A and 5B are incorporated in the psychology major. If you finish the major, you will cover these requirements along the way.

For College of Arts and Sciences Requirements

  1. If you are in a language now, take the next one up 102, 201, 202, until you complete 202 in a language. Once you have completed through the 202 level, this requirement is complete.
  2. Finish up an additional College of Arts and Science requirements.

For Psychology

  1. You should be all done with the Foundations I requirements by the end of this semester (PSY 101, 202, 205, 220, and 250). If not, finish them.
  2. If you have not taken PSY 304 or 308, take one or both of those courses now
  3. Additionally, plan on taking your methods course. The methods course includes a PSY 39X and the corresponding lab PSY 38X. Please pay attention to the pre-requisites for the different courses (i.e. PSY 220 for PSY 390, etc.). Additionally, the specific methods and lab must correspond down to the section number (i.e. students signing up for PSY 390-02 must sign up for lab PSY 380-02).
  • Note: If you plan to take a PSY 39X course with corresponding lab, PSY 38X, these courses go into your schedule first. It is the keystone course for the semester - it has extra hours and an irregular schedule - all your other courses need to fit in around it.
4. Consider an upper level (300 or 400 level) Psych elective. You need two to complete the major.

Free Electives: Part of college is just taking courses that you want to take. Feel free to add any course that you want into the mix for the fall semester. If you have enjoyed some other courses outside the psychology major, take another in that field.

To Review:

  1. Finish any University Studies requirements not related to Cluster 1C, 5A, 5B
  2. If not completed, continue on your language requirement sequence.
  3. For psychology, if you have not taken PSY 304 or PSY 308, take them. Consider taking your Psych methods course. Consider an upper level psychology elective.
  4. Finish your remaining College of Arts and Sciences requirements.



Advising in Spring Junior Year (you will have 92 credits or so upon completion of this semester)

You can register starting April (earlier for athletes and other select groups). Your specific time and date sent to you by e-mail. You cannot register before that time.

March toward Graduation:

  • You must have 120 credits to graduate.   If you have withdrawn any courses, not passed any courses, had to retake any courses, or not taken a minimum of 15 credits per semester, you might be behind in your goal of graduating in the next year. 
  • To be on track, you should have at least 90 credits completed by the end of your spring junior year semester.   On your unofficial transcript, this will show as 75 completed and enrollled in another 15 - so some combination that adds up to 90 credits.   
  • If you are short, looking to be below 90, then you should plan on taking more courses during the summer, during the semester, or during the winter intercession to get those credits.  
  • If you do not get those credits prior to the end of the spring of your senior year, then you can walk at graduation, but you must be within 6 credits of graduating and be enrolled in the remaining courses in advance of the graduation ceremony with a completion date by the end of the summer.  It is easier to take the courses prior to graduation.



  1. You have University Studies requirements:
  2. You have College of Arts and Sciences requirements:
  3. You have psychology requirements.

For University Studies:

  1. You should be done with all your University Studies requirements The remaining ones, Cluster 1C and Clusters 5A and 5B are incorporated in the psychology major. If you finish the major, you will cover these requirements along the way.

For College of Arts and Sciences Requirements

  1. If you are in a language now, take the next one up 102, 201, 202, until you complete 202 in a language. Once you have completed through the 202 level, this requirement is complete.
  2. You should be done with any other College of Arts and Science requirements.

For Psychology

  1. You should be all done with the Foundations I requirements by the end of this semester (PSY 101, 202, 205, 220, and 250). If not, finish them.
  2. You should have taken PSY 304 or PSY 308
  3. If you have not taken your methods course, you must take it now. The methods course includes a PSY 39X and the corresponding lab PSY 38X. Please pay attention to the pre-requisites for the different courses (i.e. PSY 220 for PSY 390, etc.). Additionally, the specific methods and lab must correspond down to the section number (e.g., students signing up for PSY 390-02 must sign up for lab PSY 380-02).
  • Note: If you plan to take a PSY 39X course with corresponding lab, PSY 38X, these courses go into your schedule first. Methods is the keystone course for the semester - it has extra hours and an irregular schedule - all your other courses need to fit in around it.
  1. If you have taken your methods course, consider taking your depth course.
  2. Consider an upper level (300 or 400 level) Psych elective. You need two to complete the major.

Free Electives: Part of college is just taking courses that you want to take. Feel free to add any course that you want into the mix for the fall semester. If you have enjoyed some other courses outside the psychology major, take another in that field.

To Review:

  1. Finish any University Studies requirements not related to Cluster 1C, 5A, 5B
  2. If not completed, continue on your language requirement sequence.
  3. For psychology, minimally take your Psych methods course. Consider a depth course or an upper level psychology elective.
  4. Finish your remaining College of Arts and Sciences requirements.


Advising in Fall Senior Year (you will have 108 credits or so upon completion of this semester)

You can register starting November (earlier for athletes and other select groups). Your specific time and date sent to you by e-mail. You cannot register before that time.

March toward Graduation:

  • You must have 120 credits to graduate.   If you have withdrawn any courses, not passed any courses, had to retake any courses, or not taken a minimum of 15 credits per semester, you might be behind in your goal of graduating in the next year. 
  • To be on track, you should have at least 105 credits completed by the end of your fall senior year semester.   On your unofficial transcript, this will show as 90 completed and enrollled in another 15 - so some combination that adds up to 105 credits.   
  • If you are short, looking to be below 105, then you should plan on taking more courses your final semester or during the winter intercession to get those credits.  
  • If you do not get those credits prior to the end of the spring of your senior year, then you can walk at graduation, but you must be within 6 credits of graduating and be enrolled in the remaining courses in advance of the graduation ceremony with a completion date by the end of the summer.  It is easier to take the courses prior to graduation.


  1. You have University Studies requirements:
  2. You have College of Arts and Sciences requirements:
  3. You have psychology requirements.

For University Studies:

  1. You should be done with all your University Studies requirements The remaining ones, Cluster 1C and Clusters 5A and 5B are incorporated in the psychology major. If you finish the major, you will cover these requirements along the way.

For College of Arts and Sciences Requirements

  1. If you are in a language now, take the next one up 102, 201, 202, until you complete 202 in a language. Once you have completed through the 202 level, this requirement is complete.
  2. You should be done with any other College of Arts and Science requirements.
  3. Make sure you have enough upper level (300 or 400) classes. You need 30 to graduate. Psychology provides you with 19 (304,308,39X,38X, indepth 400, 2 psych electives).

For Psychology

  1. You should be all done with the Foundations I requirements by the end of this semester (PSY 101, 202, 205, 220, and 250). If not, finish them.
  2. You should have taken PSY 304 or PSY 308
  3. You should be done with your methods course and corresponding lab
  4. If you have not done so, take your depth course.
  5. Make sure you have taken two upper level (300 or 400 level) Psych electives.

Free Electives: Part of college is just taking courses that you want to take. Feel free to add any course that you want into the mix for the fall semester. If you have enjoyed some other courses outside the psychology major, take another in that field.

To Review:

  1. Take psych depth and upper level electives
  2. If not completed, finish on your language requirement sequence.
  3. Finish your remaining College of Arts and Sciences requirements.
  4. Audit your account. You need to complete all three levels of your requirements: University Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, and Psychology. You will not graduate unless you have completed all 120 credits by the end of this semester. You must also have 30 credit or more in residence (here at UMASSD) at the 300/400 level. Minimal requirements for psychology will cover 19 of those credits - the remaining 11 or 12 can come from any department, including psychology.
  5. Make sure you have enough upper level (300 or 400) classes. You need 30 to graduate. Psychology provides you with 19 (304,308,39X,38X, indepth 400, 2 psych electives)

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