Crime & Justice Studies
Statements by the department
View the Department of Crime and Justice Studies’ statements on civil, societal, and environmental challenges our community and nation face today.
Crime and Justice Studies (CJS) combines criminology, criminal justice and justice studies to offer a multi-disciplinary program that specializes in the study of the criminal justice system's history, policies, politics and procedures.
You'll learn to:
- engage in cross-agency dialogue and learning in the classroom
- study the social and ethical considerations unique to the field
- perform media and cultural analysis on crime and justice coverage in public space
- engage with data analysis and complete your own research on crime and justice
- apply classroom teachings to work environments through a required senior internship
- apply forensic anthropology skills through a specialized course: "Digging for Justice"
Crime & Justice Studies Faculty
All Crime and Justice Studies faculty hold doctoral degrees from a variety of disciplines including:
- American Studies
- Anthropology
- Archaeology
- Criminal Justice
- Criminology
- Feminist Studies
- J.D. with experience as a practicing lawyer
- Law, Policy and Society
- Politics
- Political Science
- Slavic Studies
- Sociology
- Women's Studies