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Generative AI

AI can serve as a valuable asset in the employment hunt, providing supplementary support that amplifies one's individual efforts. The Career Center suggests that students should initially rely on their own capabilities to create content, turning to AI for enhancements as necessary. When turning to AI for support be sure to pose precise questions, include relevant details about exactly what you are looking to accomplish and engage in follow-up queries to fine-tune the AI's output or answers. For the best results, inquiries and interact with the AI multiple times to explore a range of potential improvements.

Important considerations when using AI Tools

  1. Guard Personal Data: Only use AI tools that respect privacy and don't require unnecessary personal details. Utilize university-provided platforms like Big Interview where privacy is assured.
  2. Critically Assess AI Advice: View AI suggestions with a critical eye and selectively incorporate edits that truly enhance your documents, ensuring they remain an authentic representation of your skills and experiences.
  3. Verify AI Accuracy: Cross-check AI-provided information with reliable sources to confirm its accuracy, especially for claims about in-demand skills or industry trends.
  4. Start with Self-Crafted Content: Draft your own resume and cover letter first, using AI as a tool for improvement, to maintain the integrity of your personal narrative and ensure you’re prepared for interviews.
  5. Update with Current Data: Be aware of the data recency in AI tools; opt for the most updated platforms for relevant and timely career information, like Google Bard for the latest data.

Examples of how AI Tools can help with the job search process

Job exploration

Use your results from our TypeFocus assessment to ask questions related to your strengths and applicable job opportunities.

Question: My TypeFocus assessment shows that I have a Meyers Brigg Type Indicator “ENTJ” (Extrovert (E), Intuition (N), Thinking (T), Judging (J). What types of career paths should I explore as a “Management” major.

AI Responses: Response from ChatGPT 3.5 and Response from Google Gemini

Employer list

Use AI to pull together lists of employers that might be a good fit for you. Don’t forget we also have Handshake and our GoinGlobal database for searching employers!

Question: I am a senior majoring in Marketing and I would like to work for a large company of more than 1,000 employees within 60 miles of Boston. I really like social media marketing. Can you suggest companies that I may be interested in applying to? Additionally, I completed at a local nonprofit and really would like to work for a private company that cares about social justice and giving back to the community. 

AI Responses: Response from ChatGPT 3.5 and Response from Google Gemini

Interview Preparation

Use our platform Big Interview to help prepare for your upcoming Interview or just to practice! Research shows that practice makes permanent! You can also use generative AI to ask questions!

Question: I am interviewing with a local nonprofit for a position as a project manager for grant development. This position is an entry level position and the company has about 300 employees? What types of interview questions should I think about? 

AI Responses: Response from ChatGPT 3.5 and Response from Google Gemini

Informational interviews

An informational interview is like a friendly conversation with someone who has a job or career you're interested in. You ask them questions to learn more about what they do, how they got there, and get advice for your own future. It helps you explore different careers and build connections. Trying to think of questions to ask? 

Question: I have an informational interview scheduled with a business analyst for an entry level business analyst position with Bank of America. Can you provide suggestions that I should ask?

AI Responses: Response from ChatGPT 3.5 and Response from Google Gemini

Resumes and cover letters

Students should initially draft their resumes and cover letters based on their own experiences and qualifications. Then, they can utilize AI-based tools to refine this content. For instance, an AI tool can suggest stronger action verbs, ensure keyword optimization for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), and even tailor the resume to align more closely with a job description. Students should provide the AI with details about the job they are applying for and use follow-up queries to fine-tune the suggestions until the materials closely match the job's requirements. 

Question: I am working on finalizing my resume for a job application and need help revising some bullets under my experience section. Can you please reword this bullet and/or provide suggestions as to how I can make it better? “I helped create social media content”

AI Responses: Response from ChatGPT 3.5 and Response from Google Gemini

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