First maritime law case heard by the Court in nearly 70 years could change insurance rulings across the U.S.
Over a dinner and engaging professional development workshop, Corsairs represented the blossoming future of STEM fields and six received a scholarship that supports their educational journeys.
As the UMass Dartmouth community united on campus for a weekend to remember, fun events like the Corsair Tailgate put their university pride on display.
After over a decade of harsh New England winters, the observatory’s rotatable dome now sits atop a rebuilt, well-sealed foundation, ready to resume scholarly use.
As days tick by, anticipation is rising on campus for the upcoming Blue & Gold Weekend festivities, including a tailgate with live music.
When Sousa’s doctoral thesis exposed overwhelming evidence that pointed to mothers in recovery needing an outspoken advocate, she didn’t hesitate to rise to the occasion.
O’Keefe’s impressive 20-year career in fisheries science and management sparked at UMass Dartmouth’s SMAST and resulted in her recent promotion to a new position.
1,800 examples of student success celebrated during four ceremonies across campus
Amato will join four other artists for an eleven-month program that strengthens their creative talents in Gatlinburg, TN.
Graduates prepared to pursue justice for all