Property Control
Physical inventory
Our campus wide physical inventory has begun as of November 1, 2024. Beginning Tuesday, November 12th, the inventorying of all assets in all buildings across campus will begin. The completion of physical inventory will be completed in March of 2025. Once the physical looking of assets is completed, the data will be analyzed. Property Control will notify departmental POC's of unfound assets. POC's will work the asset custodian to located the unfound asset. Once located, POC's will work with Property Control to complete the inventorying of all assets.
Physical inventory schedule as of Dec 9 2024 (PDF)
Departmental inventory point of contacts
In an effort to maintain the integrity of the University’s Asset Management system records it is recommended that every department have an Inventory POC. Departmental Inventory POC’s are the liaison between the department employees and Property Office for inventory matters. They will assist in the maintenance of inventory controls over equipment in their departmental areas with the support of the Property Office. The following is a list of department inventory POC to assist department employees with maintenance of asset records.
POC list as of 11.5.2024 (PDF)
The purpose of Asset Management is to ensure the accuracy of campus assets. This requires the cooperation of all University personnel with equipment responsibilities. Moveable equipment with an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more for capitalized equipment, and a useful life of one or more years are tagged by Property Control. Additionally the system tags and tracks equipment less than $5,000 that the University determines to be sensitive equipment.
Procedures and manual
- Asset Disposal Form 11.7.2024(PDF)
- Lost or Stolen Asset Form (PDF)
- Attestation Form for Lost or Stolen Asset (PDF)
- Asset Change of Location or Custodian (PDF)
- End of Employment Form(PDF)
- How to dispose of data holding University assets(PDF)