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Administration and Facilities

Final Campus Document Destruction/Recycling

Dates: March 13th, 2025 through March 26th, 2025

Overview of event

The University has set up a program so the community can have documents that are no longer need destroyed or do not have to be retained in compliance with the Commonwealth's record retention regulations destroyed/recycled. Departments that have documents to be destroyed/recycled are to request from Facilities via a work order a 64-gallon secure tote to be deployed to their location from March 13th through March 26th. Facilities will pick up the Totes either on Wednesday March 26th or Thursday March 27th. These are 20 totes that will be deployed on a first come first serve basis.

The process for using 64-gallon totes is as follows:

  • Campus Departments have to submit a Work Order to Facilities to get a secure 64-Gal tote by Tuesday March 11th. There are 20 total totes available for deployment on a first come first serve basis.
  • Facilities deploys totes to departments on Thursday March 13th or Friday March 4th.
  • Departments have until the end of the day Tuesday March 25th to fill totes.
  • Facilities picks up totes from departments on either Wednesday March 26th or Thursday March 27th.

Questions point of contact

Michael LaGrassa
Associate Vice Chancellor of Administrative Operations and Compliance

Frequently asked questions

No this is open to the entire campus community.

Submit a work order to facilities for a tote no later than the end of the day Tuesday February 11th. There are 40 book bins available to the community on a first come first serve basis.

Monday February 17th through Friday February 28th.

No, departments that have received bins through a facility work order have until Friday 2/28 to fill the bins. Facilities will pick up the bins starting on Monday March 3rd and end on Tuesday March 4th.

Can be shredded: Paper back books, hard bound textbooks, magazines and paper.

Cannot be shredded: x-rays, any media items, large paper clamps or larger spiral notebooks, 3 ring binders. Anything with thicker metal on them.  

No, Three-ring binders cannot be recycled or shredded as part of this program.  

No, there will be no actual shredding of books on campus. All materials that are to be recycled must go into a bin that has been deployed via a workorder from Facility Operations.

No confidential documents should be included for this event. This is only for books, textbooks and magazines.

Please see link to Commonwealths Records Retention Schedule Quick Guide.
Massachusetts Statewide Records Retention Schedule

At this time if a file cabinet is empty please keep it in its location. Once it is determined how empty file cabinets are going to be managed there will be a communication to the community.

A&F departments

Administrative Operations & Compliance: Provides a variety of services to the campus community: contract compliance, property control, one card services (UMass Pass), campus mail services, parking services, receiving and distribution, student mail services, transportation and risk management.

Athletics: Corsair student-athletes continue to excel in competition, in the classroom, and in the campus community.

Campus Master Planning/Capital Projects: Provides planning, design, and oversight services for new construction and renovation projects.

Facilities Services: With more than 150 employees, Facilities is responsible for the operation and maintenance of all university-owned buildings and grounds including utilities, cleaning, safety, and security.

Information Technology (CITS): Computer & Information Technology Services are available to faculty and staff using university-owned computers, to students using university IT resources for academic pursuits, and to resident students for general network connectivity.

UMass Unified Procurement Service Team

The following services are available at the UMass Unified Procurement Service Team

  • Accounts Payable
  • Travel and expense reimbursement management
  • Supplier onboarding & updating, purchasing and travel credit cards
  • Buyways requisition compliance
  • Bidding and contracting
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